Start: After 16 counts of intro, start slightly ahead of vocal, which in turn starts slightly after count 2.
Sequence: 32,16,32,20, 32,16,32, 3, 32,16
S1: Forward, Mambo With Half Turn, Three Step Turn (R-L-R), Mambo With Turn, Forward & Pivot Turn
12&3Step RF forward(1), rock LF forward(2), recover(&), L half turn and step LF forward(3)
4&5Step RF forward(4), R half turn and step LF backwards(&), R half turn and step RF forward(5)
6&78&Rock RF across LF(6), recover(&), R quarter turn and step LF forward(7), step RF forward(8), step LF together while making R half turn and pop right knee(&) (9:00)
S2: Forward, Turn & Side Mambo, Side Step & Sway, Night Club, Turn & Sailor Step
12&3Step RF forward(1), R quarter turn and rock LF L(2), recover(&), cross LF(3)
4&56&Step RF R(4), sway L(&), step RF further R(5), step LF behind RF(6), cross RF(&)
78&Make R quarter turn and step LF back and sweep RF backwards(7), cross RF behind LF(8), step LF L(&) (3:00)
S3: Cross, Side Mambo, Run (R-L-R), Leg Up & Down, Run (R-L)
12&3Cross RF(1), rock LF L(2), recover(&), cross LF(3)
4&5three-step run (R-L-R) half turn in curve
678&Raise LF forward(6), land LF forward(7), step RF forward(8), step LF forward(&) (9:00)
S4: Step Together & Slow Body Roll, Back Step(R-L), Turn & Forward With Sweep, Samba, Sailor Step With Turn
123Step RF together(1) and pop chest, smoothly roll back chest and pop abdomen(2), pop knee and coil in body on toes(3)
4&Step RF backwards(4), step LF backwards(&)
56&R half turn and step RF forward(5) and sweep LF forward, cross LF(6), step RFR(&)
78&Cross LF behind RF(7) abd sweep RF backwards, cross RF behind LF(8), L quarter turn and step LF forward(&) (6:00)
Restart After 16 Counts: During the last sailor step move of section 2, make further right quarter turn in order to restart facing - 6:00
Restart After 20 Counts: During the run (4&) of section, head to the right in order to restart facing 12:00
Enjoy the dance!
Sequence: 32,16,32,20, 32,16,32, 3, 32,16
S1: Forward, Mambo With Half Turn, Three Step Turn (R-L-R), Mambo With Turn, Forward & Pivot Turn
12&3Step RF forward(1), rock LF forward(2), recover(&), L half turn and step LF forward(3)
4&5Step RF forward(4), R half turn and step LF backwards(&), R half turn and step RF forward(5)
6&78&Rock RF across LF(6), recover(&), R quarter turn and step LF forward(7), step RF forward(8), step LF together while making R half turn and pop right knee(&) (9:00)
S2: Forward, Turn & Side Mambo, Side Step & Sway, Night Club, Turn & Sailor Step
12&3Step RF forward(1), R quarter turn and rock LF L(2), recover(&), cross LF(3)
4&56&Step RF R(4), sway L(&), step RF further R(5), step LF behind RF(6), cross RF(&)
78&Make R quarter turn and step LF back and sweep RF backwards(7), cross RF behind LF(8), step LF L(&) (3:00)
S3: Cross, Side Mambo, Run (R-L-R), Leg Up & Down, Run (R-L)
12&3Cross RF(1), rock LF L(2), recover(&), cross LF(3)
4&5three-step run (R-L-R) half turn in curve
678&Raise LF forward(6), land LF forward(7), step RF forward(8), step LF forward(&) (9:00)
S4: Step Together & Slow Body Roll, Back Step(R-L), Turn & Forward With Sweep, Samba, Sailor Step With Turn
123Step RF together(1) and pop chest, smoothly roll back chest and pop abdomen(2), pop knee and coil in body on toes(3)
4&Step RF backwards(4), step LF backwards(&)
56&R half turn and step RF forward(5) and sweep LF forward, cross LF(6), step RFR(&)
78&Cross LF behind RF(7) abd sweep RF backwards, cross RF behind LF(8), L quarter turn and step LF forward(&) (6:00)
Restart After 16 Counts: During the last sailor step move of section 2, make further right quarter turn in order to restart facing - 6:00
Restart After 20 Counts: During the run (4&) of section, head to the right in order to restart facing 12:00
Enjoy the dance!