Intro: 16 counts, 15 seconds
Restart - One restart at count 12 on wall 6.
S1: [1-8] L forward, R mambo sweep, quick sweeps x3, R back mambo, L forward, pivot ½ right
1,2&3Step L forward, rock forward R, recover L, step back R sweeping L front to back
4&5Small step back L sweep R, small step back R sweep L, small step back L sweep R
6&7Rock back R, recover L, step forward R
8&Step L forward, make ½ turn right ending with weight forward on right (6:00)
S2: [9-16] Cross L, rock, recover, cross, weave ¼ left, rocking chair, hip sway forward/back
1,2&3Cross L over R, rock R to right, recover L, cross R over L
&4&Small step L to left, cross R behind L*, ¼ left step L forward *Restart (see below)
5&6&.Rock R forward, recover L, rock R back, recover L (3:00)
7,8Step R forward with bent knee swaying R hip forward to right diagonal, push back to L straighten R leg
S3: [17-24] R coaster, L tap, press, recover, coaster ¼ left cross, ball, ¼ cross, ball, ¼ forward
1&2Step R back, step L next to R, step R forward
&3,4Tap L slightly forward, press L farther forward, push off L to recover to R
(Optional arms for the lyrics "tumbling down"- On the tap, have bent arms at front of body palms open facing down about waist level. On the L press, press arms down a little)
5&6Step L back, step R next to L, ¼ left and step L across R (12:00)
&7&8Small step R, ¼ turn left cross L, small step R, ¼ turn left step L forward (6:00)
S4: [25-32] Syncopated jazz box ¼ right x2, switch step R & L, ball, cross, spiral 1¼ turns left
1&2&Cross R, ⅛ turn right step L back, ⅛ turn right step R to side, L forward (9:00)
3&4&Cross R, ⅛ turn right step L back, ⅛ turn right step R to side, L across (12:00)
5&6&Point R to right, step right next to L, point L to left, step L next to R
7,8Cross R over L with weight split, transfer weight to R and turn 1¼ left hooking L across R (9:00)
No-turn option: Count 8-Transfer weight right and turn ¼ left slowly sweeping left back to front
*Restart at count 12 on wall 6 (9:00). Restart happens facing 3:00. Make a 1/4 turn left on count 1 step L forward. (12:00)
Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. If you would like to use it on your website, it must be used in its original format. Contact the choreographer with your questions.
Contacts: josiane.vicini@wanadoo.fr ~ brenshatto@yahoo.com
Last Update - 10 May 2021-R2
Restart - One restart at count 12 on wall 6.
S1: [1-8] L forward, R mambo sweep, quick sweeps x3, R back mambo, L forward, pivot ½ right
1,2&3Step L forward, rock forward R, recover L, step back R sweeping L front to back
4&5Small step back L sweep R, small step back R sweep L, small step back L sweep R
6&7Rock back R, recover L, step forward R
8&Step L forward, make ½ turn right ending with weight forward on right (6:00)
S2: [9-16] Cross L, rock, recover, cross, weave ¼ left, rocking chair, hip sway forward/back
1,2&3Cross L over R, rock R to right, recover L, cross R over L
&4&Small step L to left, cross R behind L*, ¼ left step L forward *Restart (see below)
5&6&.Rock R forward, recover L, rock R back, recover L (3:00)
7,8Step R forward with bent knee swaying R hip forward to right diagonal, push back to L straighten R leg
S3: [17-24] R coaster, L tap, press, recover, coaster ¼ left cross, ball, ¼ cross, ball, ¼ forward
1&2Step R back, step L next to R, step R forward
&3,4Tap L slightly forward, press L farther forward, push off L to recover to R
(Optional arms for the lyrics "tumbling down"- On the tap, have bent arms at front of body palms open facing down about waist level. On the L press, press arms down a little)
5&6Step L back, step R next to L, ¼ left and step L across R (12:00)
&7&8Small step R, ¼ turn left cross L, small step R, ¼ turn left step L forward (6:00)
S4: [25-32] Syncopated jazz box ¼ right x2, switch step R & L, ball, cross, spiral 1¼ turns left
1&2&Cross R, ⅛ turn right step L back, ⅛ turn right step R to side, L forward (9:00)
3&4&Cross R, ⅛ turn right step L back, ⅛ turn right step R to side, L across (12:00)
5&6&Point R to right, step right next to L, point L to left, step L next to R
7,8Cross R over L with weight split, transfer weight to R and turn 1¼ left hooking L across R (9:00)
No-turn option: Count 8-Transfer weight right and turn ¼ left slowly sweeping left back to front
*Restart at count 12 on wall 6 (9:00). Restart happens facing 3:00. Make a 1/4 turn left on count 1 step L forward. (12:00)
Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. If you would like to use it on your website, it must be used in its original format. Contact the choreographer with your questions.
Contacts: josiane.vicini@wanadoo.fr ~ brenshatto@yahoo.com
Last Update - 10 May 2021-R2