Intro : 32 Count
Option : Section 4. 5-8 Back weave - down(5) up(6) down(7) up(8)
Section 1: R Side. L Together. Side Chasse. L Cross Rock. Recover.1/4 turn. 1/4 turn
1-2RF Step side, LF together
3&4Side Step R to R
5-6LF Cross rock, RF recover
7-8LF Step 1/4 turn left forward, RF Step 1/4 turn left side (6:00)
Section 2: Behind. Side. Kick. Step. Cross. Side. Step. Cross. 1/4 back. 1/4 side
1&2&LF Behind, RF side, LF kick left diagonal, LF step
3-4RF Cross step, LF Side step
5-6RF Side step, LF Cross step
7-81/4 turn left RF back Step, 1/4 turn left LF Step Side(12:00)
Section 3: Jazz box forward. fwd Sweep. fwd Sweep
1-4RF Cross, LF back, RF side, LF forward
5-6RF forward Sweep, step
7-8LF forward Sweep, step
Section 4: Pivot 1/2 turn. R Out. L Out. Back weave 1/4 turn.
1-2RF forward step, 1/2 turn(6:00) LF forward step
3-4RF out, LF out
5-8RF behind, LF side, RF cross, 1/4 turn left forward LF Step.(3:00)
Tag : add the following tag at the end of Wall 12 (12:00)
1-3RF Lunge.
4RF together step.
E-Mail : kimduckhoa@naver.com
Last Update: 4 May 2023
Option : Section 4. 5-8 Back weave - down(5) up(6) down(7) up(8)
Section 1: R Side. L Together. Side Chasse. L Cross Rock. Recover.1/4 turn. 1/4 turn
1-2RF Step side, LF together
3&4Side Step R to R
5-6LF Cross rock, RF recover
7-8LF Step 1/4 turn left forward, RF Step 1/4 turn left side (6:00)
Section 2: Behind. Side. Kick. Step. Cross. Side. Step. Cross. 1/4 back. 1/4 side
1&2&LF Behind, RF side, LF kick left diagonal, LF step
3-4RF Cross step, LF Side step
5-6RF Side step, LF Cross step
7-81/4 turn left RF back Step, 1/4 turn left LF Step Side(12:00)
Section 3: Jazz box forward. fwd Sweep. fwd Sweep
1-4RF Cross, LF back, RF side, LF forward
5-6RF forward Sweep, step
7-8LF forward Sweep, step
Section 4: Pivot 1/2 turn. R Out. L Out. Back weave 1/4 turn.
1-2RF forward step, 1/2 turn(6:00) LF forward step
3-4RF out, LF out
5-8RF behind, LF side, RF cross, 1/4 turn left forward LF Step.(3:00)
Tag : add the following tag at the end of Wall 12 (12:00)
1-3RF Lunge.
4RF together step.
E-Mail : kimduckhoa@naver.com
Last Update: 4 May 2023