Intro: 32
Cross Over Cha, R/L
1-8Cross Lf over R, step back on R, L/R/L,--Cross Rf over L, step back on L, R/L/R
Weave R, Weave L,
1-4Step Lf over R, step R, L behind R, touch R
5-8Step Rf over L, step L, R behind L, touch L next to R
Mambo L, then R
1-4Step L, return on R, L/R/L
5-8Step R, return on L, R/L/R
Walk Fwd L/R, L/R/L, Step Fwd, Turn ½ L, Cha,
1-8Step Fwd on L, R, step L/R/L, step fwd R while turning ½ L, step on Lf, R/L/R
Start Over, No Tags! Enjoy!
Contact: mygeo@adamswells.com
Cross Over Cha, R/L
1-8Cross Lf over R, step back on R, L/R/L,--Cross Rf over L, step back on L, R/L/R
Weave R, Weave L,
1-4Step Lf over R, step R, L behind R, touch R
5-8Step Rf over L, step L, R behind L, touch L next to R
Mambo L, then R
1-4Step L, return on R, L/R/L
5-8Step R, return on L, R/L/R
Walk Fwd L/R, L/R/L, Step Fwd, Turn ½ L, Cha,
1-8Step Fwd on L, R, step L/R/L, step fwd R while turning ½ L, step on Lf, R/L/R
Start Over, No Tags! Enjoy!
Contact: mygeo@adamswells.com