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Nightclub basic x 2, Step Side, behind Side Cross, Rock R to R side, recover, Step R across
1-2&Step R to R side, Rock L behind R, Recover onto R
3-4&Step L to L side, Rock R behind L, Recover onto L
5Step R to R side
6&7Step L behind R, Step R to R side, Step L across R
8&1Rock R to R side, recover onto L, Step R across in front f L
Side, Behind side Rock, Recover, together Rock, Recover together forward
2Step L to L side,
3&4Step R behind L, Step L to L side, Rock R fwd across L foot
5&6Recover back onto L, Steo R beside L, Rock L fwd across R foot
7&8Recover back onto R, Step L beside R, Step fwd on R
Walk, Walk, Step Turn Step, Walk Walk Step Turn Step
1-2Walk fwd L then R
3&4Step L fwd, pivot 1/2 turn R, Step L fwd
5-6Walk fwd R then L
7&8Step R fwd, pivot 1/2 turn L, Step R fwd.
Rock fwd recover, Together, Rock fwd recover together, Step 1/2 pivot, L scissor step
1-2&Rock fwd on L, recover onto R, Step L beside R,
3-4&Rock fwd on R, recover onto L, Step R beside L
5-6Step L fwd, pivot 1/2 turn R
7&8Step L to l side, Step R beside L, Step L across R
[32] Begin again
Tracie Lee - 0419 999 650
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Nightclub basic x 2, Step Side, behind Side Cross, Rock R to R side, recover, Step R across
1-2&Step R to R side, Rock L behind R, Recover onto R
3-4&Step L to L side, Rock R behind L, Recover onto L
5Step R to R side
6&7Step L behind R, Step R to R side, Step L across R
8&1Rock R to R side, recover onto L, Step R across in front f L
Side, Behind side Rock, Recover, together Rock, Recover together forward
2Step L to L side,
3&4Step R behind L, Step L to L side, Rock R fwd across L foot
5&6Recover back onto L, Steo R beside L, Rock L fwd across R foot
7&8Recover back onto R, Step L beside R, Step fwd on R
Walk, Walk, Step Turn Step, Walk Walk Step Turn Step
1-2Walk fwd L then R
3&4Step L fwd, pivot 1/2 turn R, Step L fwd
5-6Walk fwd R then L
7&8Step R fwd, pivot 1/2 turn L, Step R fwd.
Rock fwd recover, Together, Rock fwd recover together, Step 1/2 pivot, L scissor step
1-2&Rock fwd on L, recover onto R, Step L beside R,
3-4&Rock fwd on R, recover onto L, Step R beside L
5-6Step L fwd, pivot 1/2 turn R
7&8Step L to l side, Step R beside L, Step L across R
[32] Begin again
Tracie Lee - 0419 999 650