Intro: 16
Lindy with Rocking Chair R/L
1-8Chase to the R side, Step R/L/R, Rock back on L. return to R, rock fwd. on L, back on R, back on L, return to R.
1-8Chase to the L side, Step L/R/L, Rock back on R, return on L, rock fwd. on R, back on L, back on R, return to L.
Shuffle fwd. and back
1-4Chase fwd., right-left-right, Step fwd L, back on R
5-8Chase back, left-right-left, step back on R, return to L
Scissors R/L
1-8Step R, step Lf close to R, Cross R over L, and hold, Step L, R step R close to L, Cross R over L and hold.
Pivot ½, 2c's each 1/8 each step (8 counts)
1-8Step fwd., pivot 1/8, step fwd., pivot 1/8. Step fwd., pivot 1/8, step fwd. pivot 1/8.
Jazz Box turning R, Sway Hips
1-8Step R over L, step Lf back, step turning R on Rf, step L to R, Sway Hips, 2x R, 2x L
No Tags. Enjoy!
Contact: mygeo@adamswells.com (Love this music!)
Lindy with Rocking Chair R/L
1-8Chase to the R side, Step R/L/R, Rock back on L. return to R, rock fwd. on L, back on R, back on L, return to R.
1-8Chase to the L side, Step L/R/L, Rock back on R, return on L, rock fwd. on R, back on L, back on R, return to L.
Shuffle fwd. and back
1-4Chase fwd., right-left-right, Step fwd L, back on R
5-8Chase back, left-right-left, step back on R, return to L
Scissors R/L
1-8Step R, step Lf close to R, Cross R over L, and hold, Step L, R step R close to L, Cross R over L and hold.
Pivot ½, 2c's each 1/8 each step (8 counts)
1-8Step fwd., pivot 1/8, step fwd., pivot 1/8. Step fwd., pivot 1/8, step fwd. pivot 1/8.
Jazz Box turning R, Sway Hips
1-8Step R over L, step Lf back, step turning R on Rf, step L to R, Sway Hips, 2x R, 2x L
No Tags. Enjoy!
Contact: mygeo@adamswells.com (Love this music!)