Intro: 16 counts (when you hear a pause, then start counting)
Basic 2 step, Vine R and L
1-8Step R, touch L to R, step L, touch R to L, step R, step L behind R, step R, touch L to R
1-8Step L, touch R to L, step R, touch L to R, step L, step R behind L, step L, touch with R
Rockin Chair, Walk forward, Rockin chair, Walk back
1-8Step R fwd, rock back on L, rock back on R, rock fwd on L, Walk fwd, R/L/R. touch L
1-8Step L fwd, rock back on R, rock back on L, rock fwd on R, Walk back, L/R/L, touch R
Scissors R/L
1-8Step R, step on L, cross R over L, hold on L. Step L, step on R, cross L over R, hold on R
Step Fwd/B/B/Fwd
1-8Step fwd on R, step L to R, step back on R, step L to R, step back on R, step L to R, step fwd on R, step L next to R
Jazz Box, 2 Kick Ball Changes (no turn)
1-8Step R over L, step back on L, step R, L to R,-- Kick R fwd, replace R to center, change weight to L *Repeat Kick once more
Jazz Box, turning R, 2 Kick Ball Changes
1-8Step R over L, step back on L, step turning R, L to R,-- Kick R fwd, replace R to center, change weight to L *Repeat Kick once more
Start Over, No tags! Enjoy!
Contact: mygeo@adamswells.com
Basic 2 step, Vine R and L
1-8Step R, touch L to R, step L, touch R to L, step R, step L behind R, step R, touch L to R
1-8Step L, touch R to L, step R, touch L to R, step L, step R behind L, step L, touch with R
Rockin Chair, Walk forward, Rockin chair, Walk back
1-8Step R fwd, rock back on L, rock back on R, rock fwd on L, Walk fwd, R/L/R. touch L
1-8Step L fwd, rock back on R, rock back on L, rock fwd on R, Walk back, L/R/L, touch R
Scissors R/L
1-8Step R, step on L, cross R over L, hold on L. Step L, step on R, cross L over R, hold on R
Step Fwd/B/B/Fwd
1-8Step fwd on R, step L to R, step back on R, step L to R, step back on R, step L to R, step fwd on R, step L next to R
Jazz Box, 2 Kick Ball Changes (no turn)
1-8Step R over L, step back on L, step R, L to R,-- Kick R fwd, replace R to center, change weight to L *Repeat Kick once more
Jazz Box, turning R, 2 Kick Ball Changes
1-8Step R over L, step back on L, step turning R, L to R,-- Kick R fwd, replace R to center, change weight to L *Repeat Kick once more
Start Over, No tags! Enjoy!
Contact: mygeo@adamswells.com