Intro: 32 counts, 14 seconds - Start with weight on left
[1-8] Side, kick, side, kick, side, touch, side, together
1,2Step R to right, kick L across R
3,4Step L to left, kick R across L (Styling option: jazz hands on counts 1-4)
5,6Step R to right, touch L next to R
7,8Step L to left, step R next to L
[9-16] Side, kick, side, kick, side, touch, side, together
1,2Step L to left, kick R across L
3,4Step R to right, kick L across R (Styling option: jazz hands counts 1-4)
5,6Step L to left, touch R next to L
7,8Step R to right, step L next to R
[17-24] ¼ turn right, hold, modified toe strut jazz box, brush forward
1,2¼ turn right step forward R, hold (3:00)
3,4Cross and step ball of L over R, drop heel
5,6Step back on ball of R, drop heel
7,8Step L to left, brush R forward while swinging arms forward and upward with bent elbows
[25-32] Forward R, hold & click, ½ turn left, hold & click, R to side & swivel heels RLRL
1,2Step R forward, hold & click fingers
3,4Pivot ½ turn left and step on L, hold & click fingers (9:00)
5,6Step R to side and swivel both heels right, swivel heels left
7,8Swivel heels right, left (end weighted on L)
(Styling option: bend knees slightly during swivels on the lyrics, "Nothing gets me down")
Begin again and... "Smile instead of frown!"
Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. If you would like to use it on your website, it must be used in its original format. Contact the choreographer with your questions.
brenshatto@yahoo.com mummyangel2623@gmail.com
[1-8] Side, kick, side, kick, side, touch, side, together
1,2Step R to right, kick L across R
3,4Step L to left, kick R across L (Styling option: jazz hands on counts 1-4)
5,6Step R to right, touch L next to R
7,8Step L to left, step R next to L
[9-16] Side, kick, side, kick, side, touch, side, together
1,2Step L to left, kick R across L
3,4Step R to right, kick L across R (Styling option: jazz hands counts 1-4)
5,6Step L to left, touch R next to L
7,8Step R to right, step L next to R
[17-24] ¼ turn right, hold, modified toe strut jazz box, brush forward
1,2¼ turn right step forward R, hold (3:00)
3,4Cross and step ball of L over R, drop heel
5,6Step back on ball of R, drop heel
7,8Step L to left, brush R forward while swinging arms forward and upward with bent elbows
[25-32] Forward R, hold & click, ½ turn left, hold & click, R to side & swivel heels RLRL
1,2Step R forward, hold & click fingers
3,4Pivot ½ turn left and step on L, hold & click fingers (9:00)
5,6Step R to side and swivel both heels right, swivel heels left
7,8Swivel heels right, left (end weighted on L)
(Styling option: bend knees slightly during swivels on the lyrics, "Nothing gets me down")
Begin again and... "Smile instead of frown!"
Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. If you would like to use it on your website, it must be used in its original format. Contact the choreographer with your questions.
brenshatto@yahoo.com mummyangel2623@gmail.com