Intro: 4 counts
Notes: Restart after 16a counts during Walls 2 & 4 ***
TAG: 4-count Tag at the end of Wall 3
S1: Prissy Walk R L, Chase ½ L, L Fwd ½ R Spiral, ¼ R Sway R L, R Whisk, ¼ L Sweep R
1Step R forward & slightly across L, bringing R hand out as if to grab something from the front
2Step L forward & slightly across R, reaching L hand with R hand & bring both hands towards the chest
(Counts 1,2 will match the lyrics 'Take it'. Hold this hand position until Count 4a for the lyrics 'Heart')
3&aStep forward R, ½ L stepping L beside R, step forward R (6:00)
4aStep forward L, spiral ½ R
5Continue with ¼ R and sway to the R, bringing both hands down to the side (3:00)
6Sway to the L crossing arms over chest (Counts 5, 6 to match the lyrics 'Break it')
7&a 8Step R to R side, step L behind R, recover onto R, ¼ L stepping L forward while sweeping R (12:00)
S2: R Cross Unwind ¾ L, L Coaster Step, R Fwd Pivot ½ L, R Twinkle Step, L Lunge recover ¼ L
1 2Cross R over L, unwind ¾ L with weight on R while sweeping L (3:00)
3&aStep L back, step R beside L, step L forward
4 5Step forward R, pivot ½ L sweeping R (9:00)
6&aCross R over L, rock L to L side, recover onto R
7 8aLunge L to R diagonal, recover onto R, ¼ L stepping L forward (6:00)
*** Restart here during Wall 2 (12:00) & Wall 4 (6:00)
S3: R Cross L Kick-hook-cross, Reverse Full L, Sway L R, ¼ L, R Fwd ½ R ½ R
1&aCross R over L, Kick L to L diagonal, hook L over R shin turning to R diagonal on ball of R
2Cross L over R and prep L shoulder fotward for L turn
a3 4¼ L stepping back R, ½ L stepping L forward, ¼ L stepping R to R side & dragging L towards R (6:00)
5aSway L, sway R folding arms over chest as to cuddle (to match the lyrics 'Cuddle')
6 7¼ L stepping L forward, step R forward (3:00)
a8½ R stepping back L, ½ R stepping R forward while sweeping L (3:00)
S4: L Fwd Point, R Back Point, Fallaway ⅜ L, L Fwd Recover Back, R Back Recover, R Fwd Pivot ⅜ L
1aStep forward L, point R toes to R side
2aStep R behind L, point L toes to L side
3&aCross L over R, ⅛ L stepping R to R side, step back L (1:30)
4&aStep back R, ¼ L stepping L to L side, step R forward (10:30)
5 6a7Rock forward L, recover onto R, walk back L, rock back R
8&aRecover onto L, step forward R, pivot ⅜ L (6:00)
Tag at the end of Wall 3 (6:00)
1 2Prissy walk R, prissy walk L
3 4Cross R over L, unwind ½ L ending weight on L
Contact: rhoda_eddie@yahoo.ca - 1(647) 295-3833 - https://www.facebook.com/rhoda.lai.5/
Intro: 4 counts
Notes: Restart after 16a counts during Walls 2 & 4 ***
TAG: 4-count Tag at the end of Wall 3
S1: Prissy Walk R L, Chase ½ L, L Fwd ½ R Spiral, ¼ R Sway R L, R Whisk, ¼ L Sweep R
1Step R forward & slightly across L, bringing R hand out as if to grab something from the front
2Step L forward & slightly across R, reaching L hand with R hand & bring both hands towards the chest
(Counts 1,2 will match the lyrics 'Take it'. Hold this hand position until Count 4a for the lyrics 'Heart')
3&aStep forward R, ½ L stepping L beside R, step forward R (6:00)
4aStep forward L, spiral ½ R
5Continue with ¼ R and sway to the R, bringing both hands down to the side (3:00)
6Sway to the L crossing arms over chest (Counts 5, 6 to match the lyrics 'Break it')
7&a 8Step R to R side, step L behind R, recover onto R, ¼ L stepping L forward while sweeping R (12:00)
S2: R Cross Unwind ¾ L, L Coaster Step, R Fwd Pivot ½ L, R Twinkle Step, L Lunge recover ¼ L
1 2Cross R over L, unwind ¾ L with weight on R while sweeping L (3:00)
3&aStep L back, step R beside L, step L forward
4 5Step forward R, pivot ½ L sweeping R (9:00)
6&aCross R over L, rock L to L side, recover onto R
7 8aLunge L to R diagonal, recover onto R, ¼ L stepping L forward (6:00)
*** Restart here during Wall 2 (12:00) & Wall 4 (6:00)
S3: R Cross L Kick-hook-cross, Reverse Full L, Sway L R, ¼ L, R Fwd ½ R ½ R
1&aCross R over L, Kick L to L diagonal, hook L over R shin turning to R diagonal on ball of R
2Cross L over R and prep L shoulder fotward for L turn
a3 4¼ L stepping back R, ½ L stepping L forward, ¼ L stepping R to R side & dragging L towards R (6:00)
5aSway L, sway R folding arms over chest as to cuddle (to match the lyrics 'Cuddle')
6 7¼ L stepping L forward, step R forward (3:00)
a8½ R stepping back L, ½ R stepping R forward while sweeping L (3:00)
S4: L Fwd Point, R Back Point, Fallaway ⅜ L, L Fwd Recover Back, R Back Recover, R Fwd Pivot ⅜ L
1aStep forward L, point R toes to R side
2aStep R behind L, point L toes to L side
3&aCross L over R, ⅛ L stepping R to R side, step back L (1:30)
4&aStep back R, ¼ L stepping L to L side, step R forward (10:30)
5 6a7Rock forward L, recover onto R, walk back L, rock back R
8&aRecover onto L, step forward R, pivot ⅜ L (6:00)
Tag at the end of Wall 3 (6:00)
1 2Prissy walk R, prissy walk L
3 4Cross R over L, unwind ½ L ending weight on L
Contact: rhoda_eddie@yahoo.ca - 1(647) 295-3833 - https://www.facebook.com/rhoda.lai.5/