Intro: 16 Counts
Step change & Restart: Wall 4 facing 9.00 dance first 16 counts, then add 1 & step on left to Restart dance again facing 12.00
Sec 1: Step point, step touch, side behind, chasse right.
1-2Step forward right, point left to left.
3-4Step forward left, touch right next to left.
5-6Step right to right, step left behind.
7&8Step right to right, left together, right to right. (12.00)
Sec 2: Rock back recover, side, hold, behind side cross, pivot ¼ right.
1-2Rock left behind, recover to right.
3-4Long step to left, HOLD,
5&6Step right behind left, step left to left, cross right over left.
7-8Step left to left, pivot ¼ right. (weight to right) (3.00)
Sec 3: Shuffle forward, cross rock, side rock, sailor step.
1&2Step forward left, right together, forward left.
3-4Cross rock right over left, recover to left.
5-6Rock right to right, recover to left.
7&8Step right behind left, step left to left, recover to right.
Sec 4: Toe strut, toe strut, rock back recover, step lock step.
1-2Touch left toe back, step down on heel.
3-4Touch right toe back, step down on heel.
5-6Rock back on left, recover to right.
7&8Step forward left, lock right behind, step forward left.
Contact: heelanjohnl@gmain.com debbie.curran@ymail.com
Last Update - 14 June 2021
Step change & Restart: Wall 4 facing 9.00 dance first 16 counts, then add 1 & step on left to Restart dance again facing 12.00
Sec 1: Step point, step touch, side behind, chasse right.
1-2Step forward right, point left to left.
3-4Step forward left, touch right next to left.
5-6Step right to right, step left behind.
7&8Step right to right, left together, right to right. (12.00)
Sec 2: Rock back recover, side, hold, behind side cross, pivot ¼ right.
1-2Rock left behind, recover to right.
3-4Long step to left, HOLD,
5&6Step right behind left, step left to left, cross right over left.
7-8Step left to left, pivot ¼ right. (weight to right) (3.00)
Sec 3: Shuffle forward, cross rock, side rock, sailor step.
1&2Step forward left, right together, forward left.
3-4Cross rock right over left, recover to left.
5-6Rock right to right, recover to left.
7&8Step right behind left, step left to left, recover to right.
Sec 4: Toe strut, toe strut, rock back recover, step lock step.
1-2Touch left toe back, step down on heel.
3-4Touch right toe back, step down on heel.
5-6Rock back on left, recover to right.
7&8Step forward left, lock right behind, step forward left.
Contact: heelanjohnl@gmain.com debbie.curran@ymail.com
Last Update - 14 June 2021