Absolute Beginner
- Restart : after 16 counts on 8th wall
- Tag : No
S1[1-8] JAZZBOX, CROSS(12:00)
1-4fwd step(RF), hold, step behind RF to L(LF), hold
5-8side step to R(RF), hold, step cross over RF(LF), hold
* styling : lean forward the body and arm's moving in natural
S2[9-16] VINE, TOUCH(R-L)(12:00)
1-4side step to R(RF), step behind RF(LF), side step to R(RF), side touch(LF)
5-8side step to L(LF), step behind LF(RF), side step to L(LF), side touch(RF)
** RESTART HERE : 8 wall(9:00)
S3[17-24] FOOT TWIST(R-L) * 4 AND ARM & HAND ACTION(12:00)
1both heel twist R and both hands moving R with bending up arms near the chest
2both heel twist L and both hands moving L with bending up arms near the chest
3both heel twist R and both hands moving R with bending down arms near the waist
4both heel twist L and both hands moving L with bending down arms near the chest
5both heel twist R and both hands moving R with bending up arms near the chest
6both heel twist L and both hands moving L with bending up arms near the chest
7both heel twist R and both hands moving R with bending down arms near the waist
8both heel twist L and both hands moving L with bending down arms near the chest
1&2fwd step(RF), step beside RF(LF), fwd step(RF)
3&41/4 turn R and fwd step(LF), step beside LF(RF), fwd step(LF)(3:00)
5-8out step to R(RF), out step to L(LF), diagonal back step behind LF(RF), step beside RF(LF)
Contact : SoonYoung-Bae ( alhappy@hanmail.net )
- Tag : No
S1[1-8] JAZZBOX, CROSS(12:00)
1-4fwd step(RF), hold, step behind RF to L(LF), hold
5-8side step to R(RF), hold, step cross over RF(LF), hold
* styling : lean forward the body and arm's moving in natural
S2[9-16] VINE, TOUCH(R-L)(12:00)
1-4side step to R(RF), step behind RF(LF), side step to R(RF), side touch(LF)
5-8side step to L(LF), step behind LF(RF), side step to L(LF), side touch(RF)
** RESTART HERE : 8 wall(9:00)
S3[17-24] FOOT TWIST(R-L) * 4 AND ARM & HAND ACTION(12:00)
1both heel twist R and both hands moving R with bending up arms near the chest
2both heel twist L and both hands moving L with bending up arms near the chest
3both heel twist R and both hands moving R with bending down arms near the waist
4both heel twist L and both hands moving L with bending down arms near the chest
5both heel twist R and both hands moving R with bending up arms near the chest
6both heel twist L and both hands moving L with bending up arms near the chest
7both heel twist R and both hands moving R with bending down arms near the waist
8both heel twist L and both hands moving L with bending down arms near the chest
1&2fwd step(RF), step beside RF(LF), fwd step(RF)
3&41/4 turn R and fwd step(LF), step beside LF(RF), fwd step(LF)(3:00)
5-8out step to R(RF), out step to L(LF), diagonal back step behind LF(RF), step beside RF(LF)
Contact : SoonYoung-Bae ( alhappy@hanmail.net )