Beginner waltz
Intro : 12 counts
Section 1 : R Step, L Hook Behind, L Back, R Hook.
1-2-3 R step forward, L hook behind R leg.
4-5-6 L step backward, R hook over L leg.
** Restart here on the 6th wall, facing 6.00.
Section 2 : R Step Turn ½, L step, R Together, L Step.
1-2-3 R step forward with a ½ turn (do not place your body weight on the left foot at the end).
4-5-6 Place your body weight on the L, R step next to L, L step forward.
Section 3 : R Sweep, R Cross, L Side, R Hitch.
1-2-3 Sweep the R foot from back to front.
4-5-6 Cross R in front of L, side L to the L, R hitch (raise the R knee).
Section 4 : R Back, L Point, L Step, R Sweep.
1-2-3 R step backward, point L foot to the L.
4-5-6 L step forward, sweep the R foot from back to front.
Start dancing again with a smile !
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Section 1 : R Step, L Hook Behind, L Back, R Hook.
1-2-3 R step forward, L hook behind R leg.
4-5-6 L step backward, R hook over L leg.
** Restart here on the 6th wall, facing 6.00.
Section 2 : R Step Turn ½, L step, R Together, L Step.
1-2-3 R step forward with a ½ turn (do not place your body weight on the left foot at the end).
4-5-6 Place your body weight on the L, R step next to L, L step forward.
Section 3 : R Sweep, R Cross, L Side, R Hitch.
1-2-3 Sweep the R foot from back to front.
4-5-6 Cross R in front of L, side L to the L, R hitch (raise the R knee).
Section 4 : R Back, L Point, L Step, R Sweep.
1-2-3 R step backward, point L foot to the L.
4-5-6 L step forward, sweep the R foot from back to front.
Start dancing again with a smile !
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