Improver / Intermediate
#16 count intro - 1 restart
S1: 1/4 R turn Monterey, turn 1/4 L turn 1/4 L, sailor step
1-4Point R to right side, turn 1/4 right step R beside L, point L to left, touch L beside R 3:00
5-6Turn 1/4 L step L fwd, turn 1/4 L step R to right side 9:00
7&8Step L behind R, step R to right side, step L to left
S2: & heel hold, & toe & heel, & walk walk, rock recover
&1-2Step R back, tap L heel fwd, hold
&3&4Step L down, tap R toe beside L, step R back, tap L heel fwd
&5-6Step L down, walk fwd R, L
7-8Rock R fwd, recover L
********* Restart here on Wall 4 facing 6:00
S3: Back cross back side, jazz box turn 1/4 R
1-4Step R back, cross L over R, step R back, step L to left side
5-8Cross R over L, turn 1/4 right step L back, step R to right side, step L fwd 12:00
S4: Rock recover, coaster cross, slow unwind 3/4 L
1-2Rock R fwd, recover L
3&4Step R back, step L beside, cross R over L
5-8Unwind 3/4 left over 4 beats (weight to L) 3:00
Ending: Last wall (11) - dance 13 counts and turn 1/4 R to face front....smile!!
*** Special thanks to Robin Defalco for suggesting this music.....love it!
S1: 1/4 R turn Monterey, turn 1/4 L turn 1/4 L, sailor step
1-4Point R to right side, turn 1/4 right step R beside L, point L to left, touch L beside R 3:00
5-6Turn 1/4 L step L fwd, turn 1/4 L step R to right side 9:00
7&8Step L behind R, step R to right side, step L to left
S2: & heel hold, & toe & heel, & walk walk, rock recover
&1-2Step R back, tap L heel fwd, hold
&3&4Step L down, tap R toe beside L, step R back, tap L heel fwd
&5-6Step L down, walk fwd R, L
7-8Rock R fwd, recover L
********* Restart here on Wall 4 facing 6:00
S3: Back cross back side, jazz box turn 1/4 R
1-4Step R back, cross L over R, step R back, step L to left side
5-8Cross R over L, turn 1/4 right step L back, step R to right side, step L fwd 12:00
S4: Rock recover, coaster cross, slow unwind 3/4 L
1-2Rock R fwd, recover L
3&4Step R back, step L beside, cross R over L
5-8Unwind 3/4 left over 4 beats (weight to L) 3:00
Ending: Last wall (11) - dance 13 counts and turn 1/4 R to face front....smile!!
*** Special thanks to Robin Defalco for suggesting this music.....love it!