Intro: 16 counts (approx. 11 secs) - Start on the first drum beat after the male voice
S1: Step R, Pivot ½ L, Scuff ¼ L, Step R, L Sailor, R Behind Side Cross
1,2Step forward right, make ½ turn left (weight on left)
3&4Scuff right forward, make ¼ turn left hitching right (&), step right to right side
(option: add a small hop on left during the ¼ turn left with the hitch)
5&6Step left behind right, step right to right side (&), step left to left side
7&8Step right behind left, step left to left side (&), cross right over left 3:00
S2: Side Rock, Recover, Cross Shuffle, Step R, ¼ L, Cross Shuffle
1,2Rock left to left side, recover on right
3&4Cross left over right, step right to right side (&), cross left over right
5,6Step right to right side, make ¼ turn left stepping left to left side
7&8Cross right over left, step left to left side (&), cross right over left 12:00
S3: Side Rock, Recover, Behind ¼ Step, Rock, Recover, Step R, L Heel, Hold
1,2Rock left to left side, recover on right
3&4Step left behind right, make ¼ turn right stepping forward right (&), step forward left
5,6Rock forward on right, recover on left
&7,8Step right next to left (&), touch left heel forward, hold 3:00
S4: Step L, Step R, Pivot ½ L, Full Turn L, Rock, Recover, ¼ R, Slide L
&1,2Step left next to right (&), step forward right, make ½ turn left (weight on left)
3,4Make ½ turn left stepping back on right, make ½ turn left stepping forward on left
5,6Rock forward on right, recover on left
7,8Make ¼ turn right with large step to right side, slide left up to right (weight on right) 12:00
S5: Switch Steps, R Sailor, L Sailor
1&2Point left to left side, step left next to right (&), point right toe forward
&3&4Step right next to left (&), point left toe forward, step left next to right (&), point right to right side
5&6Step right behind left, step left to left side (&), step right to right side
7&8Step left behind right, step right to right side (&), step left to left side 12:00
S6: Step R, Pivot ½ L, Rock, Recover, R Coaster, Stomp L, Hold
1,2Step forward right, make ½ turn left (weight on left)
3,4Rock forward on right, recover on left
5&6Step back right, step left next to right (&), step forward right
7,8Stomp left forward, hold (splay both hands down and out to sides with palms down) 6:00
RESTARTS: Restart here during Wall 1 (facing 6:00) and Wall 3 (facing 12:00).
S7: Modified Monterey ½ R, Step L, Tap R, R Coaster
1,2Touch right to right side, hold
&3,4Make ½ turn right stepping right next to left (&), touch left to left side, hold
5,6Step forward left, tap right toe behind left heel
7&8Step back right, step left next to right (&), step forward right 12:00
S8: Rock, Recover, ½ Turn L Shuffle, Step R, Pivot ½ L, R Kick Ball Step
1,2Rock forward on left, recover on right
3&4Make ½ turn left stepping forward left, step right next to left (&), step forward left
5,6Step forward right, make ½ turn left (weight on left)
7&8Kick right forward, step on ball of right next to left (&), step forward left 12:00
Wall 1: Restart after 48 counts facing 6:00. Wall 2: Full 64 counts ending facing 6:00.
Wall 3: Restart after 48 counts facing 12:00. Walls 4, 5 & 6: Full 64 counts ending facing 12:00.
S1: Step R, Pivot ½ L, Scuff ¼ L, Step R, L Sailor, R Behind Side Cross
1,2Step forward right, make ½ turn left (weight on left)
3&4Scuff right forward, make ¼ turn left hitching right (&), step right to right side
(option: add a small hop on left during the ¼ turn left with the hitch)
5&6Step left behind right, step right to right side (&), step left to left side
7&8Step right behind left, step left to left side (&), cross right over left 3:00
S2: Side Rock, Recover, Cross Shuffle, Step R, ¼ L, Cross Shuffle
1,2Rock left to left side, recover on right
3&4Cross left over right, step right to right side (&), cross left over right
5,6Step right to right side, make ¼ turn left stepping left to left side
7&8Cross right over left, step left to left side (&), cross right over left 12:00
S3: Side Rock, Recover, Behind ¼ Step, Rock, Recover, Step R, L Heel, Hold
1,2Rock left to left side, recover on right
3&4Step left behind right, make ¼ turn right stepping forward right (&), step forward left
5,6Rock forward on right, recover on left
&7,8Step right next to left (&), touch left heel forward, hold 3:00
S4: Step L, Step R, Pivot ½ L, Full Turn L, Rock, Recover, ¼ R, Slide L
&1,2Step left next to right (&), step forward right, make ½ turn left (weight on left)
3,4Make ½ turn left stepping back on right, make ½ turn left stepping forward on left
5,6Rock forward on right, recover on left
7,8Make ¼ turn right with large step to right side, slide left up to right (weight on right) 12:00
S5: Switch Steps, R Sailor, L Sailor
1&2Point left to left side, step left next to right (&), point right toe forward
&3&4Step right next to left (&), point left toe forward, step left next to right (&), point right to right side
5&6Step right behind left, step left to left side (&), step right to right side
7&8Step left behind right, step right to right side (&), step left to left side 12:00
S6: Step R, Pivot ½ L, Rock, Recover, R Coaster, Stomp L, Hold
1,2Step forward right, make ½ turn left (weight on left)
3,4Rock forward on right, recover on left
5&6Step back right, step left next to right (&), step forward right
7,8Stomp left forward, hold (splay both hands down and out to sides with palms down) 6:00
RESTARTS: Restart here during Wall 1 (facing 6:00) and Wall 3 (facing 12:00).
S7: Modified Monterey ½ R, Step L, Tap R, R Coaster
1,2Touch right to right side, hold
&3,4Make ½ turn right stepping right next to left (&), touch left to left side, hold
5,6Step forward left, tap right toe behind left heel
7&8Step back right, step left next to right (&), step forward right 12:00
S8: Rock, Recover, ½ Turn L Shuffle, Step R, Pivot ½ L, R Kick Ball Step
1,2Rock forward on left, recover on right
3&4Make ½ turn left stepping forward left, step right next to left (&), step forward left
5,6Step forward right, make ½ turn left (weight on left)
7&8Kick right forward, step on ball of right next to left (&), step forward left 12:00
Wall 1: Restart after 48 counts facing 6:00. Wall 2: Full 64 counts ending facing 6:00.
Wall 3: Restart after 48 counts facing 12:00. Walls 4, 5 & 6: Full 64 counts ending facing 12:00.