Right Vine, Left Vine w/ 1/4 Turn Left
1 2 3 4R to right, L behind R, R to right, touch L next to R
5 6 7 8L to left, R behind L, 1/4 left step L, brush R
Jazz Box, Rocking Chair
1 2 3 4R over L, back L, R to right, Fwd L
5 6 7 8Rock fwd R, recover L, rock back R, recover L
Monterey w/ 1/4 turn, Monterey w/ 1/4 turn
1 2Point R toe to right, turn 1/4 right, step R next to L
3 4Point L toe to left, step L next to R
5 6Point R toe to right, turn 1/4 right, step R next to left
7 8Point L toe to left, step L next to R
Rock, Recover, Cross, Hold R & L
1 2 3 4Rock R to right, recover L, cross R over L, hold
5 6 7 8Rock L to left, recover R, cross L over R, hold
Tag: End of wall 4 (12:00) K Step
1 2 3 4Diag: Fwd R, touch L, back L, touch R
5 6 7 8Diag: Back R, touch L, fwd L, touch R
Contact: Nancy Rosera moenslake@yahoo.com
1 2 3 4R to right, L behind R, R to right, touch L next to R
5 6 7 8L to left, R behind L, 1/4 left step L, brush R
Jazz Box, Rocking Chair
1 2 3 4R over L, back L, R to right, Fwd L
5 6 7 8Rock fwd R, recover L, rock back R, recover L
Monterey w/ 1/4 turn, Monterey w/ 1/4 turn
1 2Point R toe to right, turn 1/4 right, step R next to L
3 4Point L toe to left, step L next to R
5 6Point R toe to right, turn 1/4 right, step R next to left
7 8Point L toe to left, step L next to R
Rock, Recover, Cross, Hold R & L
1 2 3 4Rock R to right, recover L, cross R over L, hold
5 6 7 8Rock L to left, recover R, cross L over R, hold
Tag: End of wall 4 (12:00) K Step
1 2 3 4Diag: Fwd R, touch L, back L, touch R
5 6 7 8Diag: Back R, touch L, fwd L, touch R
Contact: Nancy Rosera moenslake@yahoo.com