Because I Miss You (그리워 그리워서) (라온 Version) - Beige (베이지) : (Official OST for Love in the moonlight)
The dance starts after 24 count
Section 1 : Fwd Twinkle, Back Twinkle
1,2,3 Cross L over R, step R to the side, recover on L
4,5,6 Cross R behind L Step L to the side, recover on R
Section 2 : Cross , 1/4 Turn L Hitch, Step, Fwd , Kick
1,2,3 Cross L over R, 1/4 turn left hitch R, step R fwd ( facing 9.00 )
4. Step L fwd
5-6. Kick R
Section 3: Step Back, touch, Rolling
1,2,3 Step back R step back L, touch R next to the L
4,5,6 1/4 turn right step R fwd, 1/2 turn right step L to the side, 1/4 turn right step R to the side ( facing 9.00 )
Section 4: Sway, Behind, Side , Cross
1,2,3 Sway L, R, L
4,5,6 Step R behind L , step L to the side, Cross R over L
Section 5: 1/4 Turn L Step Fwd , Sweep, Twinkle , 1/8 Turn R
1. 1/4 turn left step L fwd
2-3 Sweep on R from back to front ( facing 6.00 )
4,5,6 Cross R over L, Step L to the side RF slightly close next to LF, 1/8 Turn right in place R ( 7.30)
Section 6: Step Diagonally Fwd, Fwd, Recover , Back, Back, Recover
1,2,3 Step L diagonally fwd, step R fwd, recover on L
4,5,6 Step R back , step L back, recover on R (7:30)
Section 7: 1/8 Turn Fwd Basic Waltz Turn, Backwards Basic Waltz
1,2,3 Turn 1/8 left step L fwd, 1/2 turn left step R close together, step L in place ( facing 12.00 )
4,5,6 Step R backwards, step L close together, step L in place
Section 8: Repeat Section 7
1,2,3 Step L fwd, 1/2 turn left step R close together, step L in place ( facing 6.00 )
4,5,6 Step R backwards, step L close together, step L in place
Tag 1: 3 counts ( after wall 1 facing 6.00 )
1-3 Slide L toe to the left by bending the R knee, go up again by sliding L toe to the right
Tag 2: 12 counts ( after wall 2 facing 12.00 )
Step Fwd Diagonal, Hitch, Sway
1. Step L fwd diagonal ( facing 1.30 )
2-3 Hitch R
4. Step back R
5,6 Sway L, R
Full Turn Unwind, Slide L Toe
1-3 Step Cross L over R unwind full turn to the right ( weight on right )
4-6 Tag 1
Happy dancing, stay healthy & Happy New Year 2021🙏💃🕺
Contacts: -
Indah: memeindah25@gmail.com
Erni: ernij58@gmail.com
Penny: pennytanml@hotmail.com
Section 1 : Fwd Twinkle, Back Twinkle
1,2,3 Cross L over R, step R to the side, recover on L
4,5,6 Cross R behind L Step L to the side, recover on R
Section 2 : Cross , 1/4 Turn L Hitch, Step, Fwd , Kick
1,2,3 Cross L over R, 1/4 turn left hitch R, step R fwd ( facing 9.00 )
4. Step L fwd
5-6. Kick R
Section 3: Step Back, touch, Rolling
1,2,3 Step back R step back L, touch R next to the L
4,5,6 1/4 turn right step R fwd, 1/2 turn right step L to the side, 1/4 turn right step R to the side ( facing 9.00 )
Section 4: Sway, Behind, Side , Cross
1,2,3 Sway L, R, L
4,5,6 Step R behind L , step L to the side, Cross R over L
Section 5: 1/4 Turn L Step Fwd , Sweep, Twinkle , 1/8 Turn R
1. 1/4 turn left step L fwd
2-3 Sweep on R from back to front ( facing 6.00 )
4,5,6 Cross R over L, Step L to the side RF slightly close next to LF, 1/8 Turn right in place R ( 7.30)
Section 6: Step Diagonally Fwd, Fwd, Recover , Back, Back, Recover
1,2,3 Step L diagonally fwd, step R fwd, recover on L
4,5,6 Step R back , step L back, recover on R (7:30)
Section 7: 1/8 Turn Fwd Basic Waltz Turn, Backwards Basic Waltz
1,2,3 Turn 1/8 left step L fwd, 1/2 turn left step R close together, step L in place ( facing 12.00 )
4,5,6 Step R backwards, step L close together, step L in place
Section 8: Repeat Section 7
1,2,3 Step L fwd, 1/2 turn left step R close together, step L in place ( facing 6.00 )
4,5,6 Step R backwards, step L close together, step L in place
Tag 1: 3 counts ( after wall 1 facing 6.00 )
1-3 Slide L toe to the left by bending the R knee, go up again by sliding L toe to the right
Tag 2: 12 counts ( after wall 2 facing 12.00 )
Step Fwd Diagonal, Hitch, Sway
1. Step L fwd diagonal ( facing 1.30 )
2-3 Hitch R
4. Step back R
5,6 Sway L, R
Full Turn Unwind, Slide L Toe
1-3 Step Cross L over R unwind full turn to the right ( weight on right )
4-6 Tag 1
Happy dancing, stay healthy & Happy New Year 2021🙏💃🕺
Contacts: -
Indah: memeindah25@gmail.com
Erni: ernij58@gmail.com
Penny: pennytanml@hotmail.com