High Improver
Dance starts after intro of 16 counts - No tag
**2 Restarts after 16 counts on 4th and 8th walls
Section 1: Walk forward, shuffle forward, 1/2 pivot, kick, coaster
1, 2Step R forward, Step L forward
3, &, 4Step R forward, Step L next to R, Step R forward
5, 6Step L forward, 1/2 Pivot turn to R kicking R forward (6:00)
7, &, 8Step R backward, Step L next to R, Step R forward
Section 2: 1/2 pivot, kick, coaster, Side rock, cross shuffle
1, 2Step L forward, 1/2 Pivot turn to R kicking R forward (12:00)
3, &, 4Step R backward, Step L next to R, Cross step R over L
5, 6Rock step L to L, Recover on R
7, &, 8Cross Step L over R, Step R to R, Cross Step L over R
Restart here on 4th and 8th wall
Section 3: Toe switch, heel touch, step hitch, shuffle forward
1, &, 2, &Point R toe to R, step R next to L, Point L toe to L, Step L next to R
3, &, 4, &Point R toe to R, step R next to L, Point L toe to L, Step L next to R
5, 6Touch R heel forward, Hitch R knee over L shin while hopping on L
7, &, 8Step R forward, Step L next to R, Step R forward
Section 4: L mambo half turn, shuffle half turn, back rock, half pivot touch
1, &, 2Step L forward, Recover on R, Step L back turning 1/2 to L (6:00)
3, &, 4Step R forward turning 1/4 to L, Step R next to L, Step R forward 1/4 to L (12:00)
5, 6Rock step L backward, Recover on R
7, 8Step L forward, Pivot 1/2 turn to R with R hooking over L shin
**2 Restarts after 16 counts on 4th and 8th walls
Section 1: Walk forward, shuffle forward, 1/2 pivot, kick, coaster
1, 2Step R forward, Step L forward
3, &, 4Step R forward, Step L next to R, Step R forward
5, 6Step L forward, 1/2 Pivot turn to R kicking R forward (6:00)
7, &, 8Step R backward, Step L next to R, Step R forward
Section 2: 1/2 pivot, kick, coaster, Side rock, cross shuffle
1, 2Step L forward, 1/2 Pivot turn to R kicking R forward (12:00)
3, &, 4Step R backward, Step L next to R, Cross step R over L
5, 6Rock step L to L, Recover on R
7, &, 8Cross Step L over R, Step R to R, Cross Step L over R
Restart here on 4th and 8th wall
Section 3: Toe switch, heel touch, step hitch, shuffle forward
1, &, 2, &Point R toe to R, step R next to L, Point L toe to L, Step L next to R
3, &, 4, &Point R toe to R, step R next to L, Point L toe to L, Step L next to R
5, 6Touch R heel forward, Hitch R knee over L shin while hopping on L
7, &, 8Step R forward, Step L next to R, Step R forward
Section 4: L mambo half turn, shuffle half turn, back rock, half pivot touch
1, &, 2Step L forward, Recover on R, Step L back turning 1/2 to L (6:00)
3, &, 4Step R forward turning 1/4 to L, Step R next to L, Step R forward 1/4 to L (12:00)
5, 6Rock step L backward, Recover on R
7, 8Step L forward, Pivot 1/2 turn to R with R hooking over L shin