Easy Improver
Intro - 32 beats
S1. Vine R, Weave L
1-2.Step R to R, step L behind R
3-4.Step R to R, step L next to R
5-6.Step R over L, step L next to R
7-8.Step R behind L, step L next to R
S2. Vine L, Weave R
1-2.Step L to L, step R behind L
3-4.Step L to L, step R next to L
5-6.Step R over L, step R next to L
7-8.Step L behind R, step R next to L
S3. Step hitch R, Step back hitch L
1-2.Step L forward, hitch R
3-4.Step R back, step L next to R
5-6.Step R back, hitch L
7-8.Step L forward, step R next to L
S4. Full walking turn L, 3/4 walking turn R
1-2.Making a 1/2 turn L, step R,L
3-4.Rpt 1-2
5-6.Making a 1/2 turn R, step L,R
7-8.Making 1/4 turn R, step L,R
S1. Cross toe strut with 1/2 turn L
1-2.Cross R toe over L, drop heel
3-4.Turning 1/4 turn L, step L toe next to R, drop heel.
5-8.Rpt 1-4.
S2. Volta steps with 1/2 turn R
1-2.Turning 1/8 turn R, step R out R, step L behind R
3-4.Rpt 1-2
5-6.Rpt 1-2
7-8.Turning 1/8 turn R, step R out R, step L next to R
S3. Cross toe strut with 1/2 turn R
1-2.Cross L toe over R, drop heel
3-4.Turning 1/4 turn R, step R toe next to L, drop heel
5-8.Rpt 1-4
S4. Volta steps with 1/2 turn L
1-2.Turning 1/8 turn L, step L out L, step R behind L
3-4.Rpt 1-2
5-6.Rpt 1-2
7-8.Turning 1/8 turn L, step L out L, step R next to L
S5. Step slide R, R cross rock, return
1-2.Big step R, pause
3-4.Slide L next to R, pause
5-6.Cross L over R, rock back on R
7-8.Step L to L, step R next to L
S6. Step slide L, step 1/2 turn L
1-2.Big step L, pause
3-4.Slide R next to L, pause
5-6.Turning 1/4 turn L, step R,L
7-8.Rpt 5-6
S7. Step slide R, R cross rock, return
Rpt S5.
S8. Step slide L, step 1/2 turn L
Rpt S6.
S9. Step R forward, return x 2
1-2.Step R forward, step back on L
& 3.Step R forward, step back on L
On final verse, make full turn R to finish facing front.
S1. Vine R, Weave L
1-2.Step R to R, step L behind R
3-4.Step R to R, step L next to R
5-6.Step R over L, step L next to R
7-8.Step R behind L, step L next to R
S2. Vine L, Weave R
1-2.Step L to L, step R behind L
3-4.Step L to L, step R next to L
5-6.Step R over L, step R next to L
7-8.Step L behind R, step R next to L
S3. Step hitch R, Step back hitch L
1-2.Step L forward, hitch R
3-4.Step R back, step L next to R
5-6.Step R back, hitch L
7-8.Step L forward, step R next to L
S4. Full walking turn L, 3/4 walking turn R
1-2.Making a 1/2 turn L, step R,L
3-4.Rpt 1-2
5-6.Making a 1/2 turn R, step L,R
7-8.Making 1/4 turn R, step L,R
S1. Cross toe strut with 1/2 turn L
1-2.Cross R toe over L, drop heel
3-4.Turning 1/4 turn L, step L toe next to R, drop heel.
5-8.Rpt 1-4.
S2. Volta steps with 1/2 turn R
1-2.Turning 1/8 turn R, step R out R, step L behind R
3-4.Rpt 1-2
5-6.Rpt 1-2
7-8.Turning 1/8 turn R, step R out R, step L next to R
S3. Cross toe strut with 1/2 turn R
1-2.Cross L toe over R, drop heel
3-4.Turning 1/4 turn R, step R toe next to L, drop heel
5-8.Rpt 1-4
S4. Volta steps with 1/2 turn L
1-2.Turning 1/8 turn L, step L out L, step R behind L
3-4.Rpt 1-2
5-6.Rpt 1-2
7-8.Turning 1/8 turn L, step L out L, step R next to L
S5. Step slide R, R cross rock, return
1-2.Big step R, pause
3-4.Slide L next to R, pause
5-6.Cross L over R, rock back on R
7-8.Step L to L, step R next to L
S6. Step slide L, step 1/2 turn L
1-2.Big step L, pause
3-4.Slide R next to L, pause
5-6.Turning 1/4 turn L, step R,L
7-8.Rpt 5-6
S7. Step slide R, R cross rock, return
Rpt S5.
S8. Step slide L, step 1/2 turn L
Rpt S6.
S9. Step R forward, return x 2
1-2.Step R forward, step back on L
& 3.Step R forward, step back on L
On final verse, make full turn R to finish facing front.