CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Tuesday's Gone

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Intermediate waltz
Ken Fowkes (USA) - December 2020
Tuesday's Gone with the Wind - Fran Mena
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Intro: Weight on L, start after 48 counts, about 20 sec into track

[1 - 6] "(Slow) Cross-Rock, Recover-Sweep-Behind"
1 2 3Step R forward across L (1), Hold two counts (2, 3) 12:00
4 5 6Recover to L (4), Sweep R front to back over two counts (5, 6) 12:00
[7 - 12] "Behind-Side-Cross, Side-Turn (¼ R)-Step"
1 2 3Step R behind L (1), Step L to side (2), Cross R over L (3) 12:00
4 5 6Large step left on L (4), Turn ¼ right keeping weight on L and pointing R (5), Step R forward (6) 3:00
[13 - 18] "Forward-Drag-Step, Forward-Sweep-Turn (¼ L)"
1 2 3Step L forward (1), Drag R up next to L (2), Step R forward (3) 3:00
4 5 6Step L forward (4), Sweep R forward while turning ¼ left on ball of L (5, 6) 12:00
[19 - 24] "Twinkle-Step, Forward-Sweep"
1 2 3Cross R over L (1), Step L to side (2), Recover weight to R turning 1/8 to the right (3) 1:30
4 5 6Step L forward (4), Sweep R from back to front over two counts turning ¼ to the left (5, 6) 10:30
*** Restart here on repetition #9. Instead of turning ¼ left (5, 6) square up to 12:00. ***
[25 - 30] "Cross-Side-Behind, Side-Prep-Hold"
1 2 3Cross R over L (1), Step L to side (2), Cross R behind L (3) 12:00
4 5 6Large step left on L (4), Twist left to prep for turn and point R (5), Hold (6) 12:00
[31 - 36] "Step-Turn-Sweep (½ R), Twinkle-Step"
1 2 3Stepping down on ball of R spin around ½ right while sweeping L (1), Continue sweeping L (2, 3) 6:00
4 5 6Cross L over R (4), Step R to Side (5), Recover weight to L (6) 6:00
[37 - 42] "Hold-Cross-Back (¼ R), Hold-Back-Rock"
1 2 3Hold (1), Cross R over L (2), Turn ¼ right and step L back (3) 9:00
4 5 6Hold (4), Rock back on R (5), Recover to L (6) 9:00
[43 - 48] "Spiral-Half-Turn (½ L), Back-Sweep-Turn (½ L)"
1 2 3Step R forward (1), Use L to turn ½ left on ball of R letting L cross R (2), Step L in across R (3) 3:00
4 5 6Step R back (4), Turn ½ left sweeping L around (5), Step L forward (6) 9:00
*** Easy no turning option for last section ***

[43 - 48] "Forward-Hitch-Kick, Forward-Hitch-Kick"
1 2 3Step R forward (1), Hitch L turning slightly right (2), Turning back kick L low forward (3) 9:00
4 5 6Step L forward (4), Hitch R turning slightly left (5), Turning back kick R low forward (6) 9:00
*** Double turning option for last section ***

[43 - 48] "Spiral-Full-Turn, Spiral-Full-Turn"
1 2 3Step R forward (1), Use L to turn a full turn left on ball of R (2), Step L forward (3) 9:00
4 5 6Step R forward (4), Use L to turn a full turn left on ball of R (5), Step L forward (6) 9:00
*** With 14 repetitions, you may want to insert your own steps for variety. Some ideas ... ***

[43 - 48] Forward moving twinkle step (x2 - R L R, L R L), Forward-Point-Hold (x2), 9:00
1 2 3Forward-Point-Step (x2), Forward(1)-Slow-Sweep(2 3) (x2), 9:00
4 5 6The "Gloria": Step(1)-Right-Pique-Turn(2 3), Step(4)-Left-Pique-Turn(5 6), Turns can be ¼, ½, or 1 9:00
Ending: The dance ends facing 12:00 on count 25 of repetition #14.

1 评论

KenF January 7, 2022
For [37 - 42] I like this better
"Hold-Cross-Back (1/8 R), Hold-Rock Back(1/8 R)-Recover"
1 2 3 Hold (1), Cross R over L (2), Turn 1/8 right and step L back (3) 9:00
4 5 6 Hold (4), Turn 1/8 R and Rock back on R (5), Recover to L (6) 9:00

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