CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Ships of Cortez

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Jesse Eschbach (USA) - January 2020
Ships of Cortez - Jake Scott
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R Ball Change, Knee Pops Turning 1/2 R, Walk Fwd R, L, R Triple
&1234R quick step back (&), L step fwd (1), knee pops turning ½ to the right x3 (6:00)(2,3,4)
567&8R step fwd (5), L step fwd (6), R step fwd (7), L step next to R (&), R step fwd (8)

Pivot 1/2 L, Walk Fwd L, R, L Triple, R Rock Fwd, Recover, R Quick Step Touch, L Triple with a Lunge
123&4Pivot 1/2 to the left with weight on L (12:00) (1), R step fwd (2), L step fwd (3), R step together (&), L step fwd (4)
567&8&1R rock fwd (5), recover L (6), R step to R side (7), touch L next to R (&), L step to L side (8), R step together (&), L step to L side while bending knees and turning 1/4 to the L (9:00) (1)

Straighten/R Point, R Flick, Step, L Hitch, Step, R Cross Unwind, Stomp (x2)
2&3&4Straighten legs and shift majority weight to L leaving R foot pointed behind (2), flick R foot up (&), R step back down (3), hitch L knee (&), L step back down and take weight (4)
5678R cross over L (5), 3/4 unwind to L (12:00) (6), stomp in place L (7), R (8)

L Triple Fwd, Heel Switch R, L, R step out, L Together 1/4 pivot, L step out, R Together
1&23&4&L step fwd (1), R together (&), L fwd (2), touch R heel fwd (3), step R together (&), touch L heel fwd (4), step L together (&)
5678Step R to R side (5), touch L together with 1/4 turn to L (9:00) (6), step L to L side (7), touch R together (8)
**Restart here on wall 5

R Cross, Out, Behind and Heel and L Cross, Out, Behind and Heel and
123&4&Cross R over L (1), L step to L side (2), R cross behind (3), step L back (&), touch R heel diagonal fwd (4), step R back (&)
567&8&Cross L over R (5), R step to R side (6), L cross behind (7), step R back (&), touch L heel diagonal fwd (8), step Lback (&)

R Jazz Box, R Step, L Touch, R Half Turn, L Kick
1234Cross R over L (1), step L back (2), Step R to R side (3), step L fwd (4)
5678Step R fwd (5), touch L next to R (6), L step 1/2 turn to L side (3:00) (7), kick L (8)

Tag: At the end of wall 2,
Replace last kick with a R touch next to L with knee popped (8), then switch knee pops L (1), R (2), L (3), R (4)

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