(32 count intro/ start dance on lyrics "How did my world")
[S1] Hop w/Sweep-Cross-Back-1/4L-Touch-1/4R Recover, Shuffle Fwd
1 2Step/hop forward on R and sweep L around, Cross L over R
3 4Step back on R, Make a ¼ turn left stepping L to the side (9:00)
5 6Touch R close to L, Make a ¼ turn right on ball of L while moving R knee to the right (12:00)
7&8Shuffle forward R-L-R
[S2] 1/4R Side Shuffle, Rock Back, Point-Hitch, 1/4R-1/4R
1&2Make a ¼ turn right shuffle to the left L-R-L (3:00)
3 4 5 6Rock back on R, Recover weight on L, Point R to the side, Hitch R knee slightly across L
7 8Make a ¼ turn right stepping forward on R, Make a ¼ turn right stepping L to the side (9:00)
[S3] Behind-Point, Behind-Side-Cross Rock-Side Rock
1 2 3 4Step R behind L, Point L to the side, Step L behind R, Step R to the side
5 6 7 8Rock L across R, Recover weight on R, Rock L to the side, Recover weight on R
[S4] Behind-Point-Behind-1/4L, 2x Step-Pivot 1/4L
1 2 3 4Step L behind R, Point R to the side, Step R behind L, Make a ¼ turn left stepping forward on L (6:00)
5 6 7 8Step forward on R, Make a ¼ turn left recover weight on L, Step forward on R, Make a ¼ turn left recover weight on L (12:00)
[S5] R&L Diagonal Shuffle Fwd, Fwd Rock, Coaster Step
1&2Shuffle diagonally forward R-L-R (moving towards 1:30)
3&4Shuffle diagonally forward L-R-L (moving towards 10:30)
5 6Rock forward on R, Recover weight on L (12:00)
7&8Step back on R, Step L next to R, Step forward on R
[S6] 1/4R-Together-Cross-3/4L Turn-Step Pivot 1/2L-Fwd
1 2Make a ¼ turn right stepping L to the side, Step R together (3:00)
3 4Cross L over R, Make a ¼ turn left stepping back on R
5 6Make a ½ turn left stepping forward on L, Step forward on R (6:00)
7 8Make a ½ turn left recover weight on L, Step forward on R (12:00)
[S7] L&R Diagonal Shuffle Fwd, Fwd Rock, Coaster Step -Same as S5 starting with your L foot
1&2Shuffle diagonally forward L-R-L (moving towards 10:30)
3&4Shuffle diagonally forward R-L-R (moving towards 1:30)
5 6Rock forward on L, Recover weight on R (12:00)
7&8Step back on L, Step R next to L, Step forward on L
[S8] 1/4L-Together-Cross-1 and 1/4R Turn, Back Rock
1 2Make a ¼ turn left stepping R to the side, Step L together (9:00)
3 4Cross R over L, Make a ¼ turn right stepping back on L
5 6Make a ½ turn right stepping forward on R, Make a ½ turn right stepping back on L (12:00)
7 8Rock back on R, Recover weight on L
[S9] Walk Forward R-L-R-L, R&L Hip Bumps
1 2 3 4Walk forward on R-L-R-L ( optional arm movements- Roll both arms out to the side/ palms up (1), Roll your arms above your head/ palms up (2), Roll your arms to the front/palms up (3), Place your L arm on the waist and push R arm forward while making an L shape with your fingers (4) )
5&6Step R to the side/hip bumps R-L-R
7&8Hip bumps L-R-L
[S10] R-L Back-Lock-Back, Hitch Ball Reverse Turn-Together
1&2Step back on R, Lock L across R, Step back on R optional- face your body to the corner 1:30
3&4Step back on L, Lock R across L, Step back on L optional- face your body to the corner 10:30
5&Step back on R making a 1/3 turn left while hitching L knee up, ball step R next to L
6&Step back on R making a 1/3 turn left while hitching L knee up, ball step R next to L
7 8Step back on R making a 1/3 turn left while hitching L knee up, Touch R together (12:00)
[S11] Repeat S9 (12:00)
[S12] Repeat S10 (12:00)
[S13] Figure 8 w/ Anchor Step
1 2 3Step R to the side, Step L behind R, Make a ¼ turn right stepping forward on R (3:00)
4 5 6Step forward on L, Make a ½ pivot turn right, Make a ¼ turn right stepping L to the side
7&8Cross R behind L, Recover weight on L, Step R to the side (12:00)
[S14] Figure 8 w/ Reverse 1/2R Triple Turn
1 2 3Step L to the side, Step R behind L, Make a ¼ turn left stepping forward on L (9:00)
4 5 6Step forward on R, Make a ½ pivot turn left, Make a ¼ turn left stepping R to the side
7&8Step/push back on L, Make a ½ turn right stepping forward on R, Step L next to R (6:00)
[S15] Repeat S 13 (6:00)
[S16] Figure 8, Touch-Unwind 1/2L
1 2 3Step L to the side, Step R behind L, Make a ¼ turn left stepping forward on L (3:00)
4 5 6Step forward on R, Make a ½ pivot turn left, Make a ¼ turn left stepping R to the side (6:00)
7 8Touch back on L, Unwind ½ left taking weight on L (12:00)
During Wall 3, Dance up to S4 then skips S5 - S8 and move to S9.
The dance finishes at the front.
Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information. (hirokoclinedancing@gmail.com)
(updated: 2/Dec/20)
[S1] Hop w/Sweep-Cross-Back-1/4L-Touch-1/4R Recover, Shuffle Fwd
1 2Step/hop forward on R and sweep L around, Cross L over R
3 4Step back on R, Make a ¼ turn left stepping L to the side (9:00)
5 6Touch R close to L, Make a ¼ turn right on ball of L while moving R knee to the right (12:00)
7&8Shuffle forward R-L-R
[S2] 1/4R Side Shuffle, Rock Back, Point-Hitch, 1/4R-1/4R
1&2Make a ¼ turn right shuffle to the left L-R-L (3:00)
3 4 5 6Rock back on R, Recover weight on L, Point R to the side, Hitch R knee slightly across L
7 8Make a ¼ turn right stepping forward on R, Make a ¼ turn right stepping L to the side (9:00)
[S3] Behind-Point, Behind-Side-Cross Rock-Side Rock
1 2 3 4Step R behind L, Point L to the side, Step L behind R, Step R to the side
5 6 7 8Rock L across R, Recover weight on R, Rock L to the side, Recover weight on R
[S4] Behind-Point-Behind-1/4L, 2x Step-Pivot 1/4L
1 2 3 4Step L behind R, Point R to the side, Step R behind L, Make a ¼ turn left stepping forward on L (6:00)
5 6 7 8Step forward on R, Make a ¼ turn left recover weight on L, Step forward on R, Make a ¼ turn left recover weight on L (12:00)
[S5] R&L Diagonal Shuffle Fwd, Fwd Rock, Coaster Step
1&2Shuffle diagonally forward R-L-R (moving towards 1:30)
3&4Shuffle diagonally forward L-R-L (moving towards 10:30)
5 6Rock forward on R, Recover weight on L (12:00)
7&8Step back on R, Step L next to R, Step forward on R
[S6] 1/4R-Together-Cross-3/4L Turn-Step Pivot 1/2L-Fwd
1 2Make a ¼ turn right stepping L to the side, Step R together (3:00)
3 4Cross L over R, Make a ¼ turn left stepping back on R
5 6Make a ½ turn left stepping forward on L, Step forward on R (6:00)
7 8Make a ½ turn left recover weight on L, Step forward on R (12:00)
[S7] L&R Diagonal Shuffle Fwd, Fwd Rock, Coaster Step -Same as S5 starting with your L foot
1&2Shuffle diagonally forward L-R-L (moving towards 10:30)
3&4Shuffle diagonally forward R-L-R (moving towards 1:30)
5 6Rock forward on L, Recover weight on R (12:00)
7&8Step back on L, Step R next to L, Step forward on L
[S8] 1/4L-Together-Cross-1 and 1/4R Turn, Back Rock
1 2Make a ¼ turn left stepping R to the side, Step L together (9:00)
3 4Cross R over L, Make a ¼ turn right stepping back on L
5 6Make a ½ turn right stepping forward on R, Make a ½ turn right stepping back on L (12:00)
7 8Rock back on R, Recover weight on L
[S9] Walk Forward R-L-R-L, R&L Hip Bumps
1 2 3 4Walk forward on R-L-R-L ( optional arm movements- Roll both arms out to the side/ palms up (1), Roll your arms above your head/ palms up (2), Roll your arms to the front/palms up (3), Place your L arm on the waist and push R arm forward while making an L shape with your fingers (4) )
5&6Step R to the side/hip bumps R-L-R
7&8Hip bumps L-R-L
[S10] R-L Back-Lock-Back, Hitch Ball Reverse Turn-Together
1&2Step back on R, Lock L across R, Step back on R optional- face your body to the corner 1:30
3&4Step back on L, Lock R across L, Step back on L optional- face your body to the corner 10:30
5&Step back on R making a 1/3 turn left while hitching L knee up, ball step R next to L
6&Step back on R making a 1/3 turn left while hitching L knee up, ball step R next to L
7 8Step back on R making a 1/3 turn left while hitching L knee up, Touch R together (12:00)
[S11] Repeat S9 (12:00)
[S12] Repeat S10 (12:00)
[S13] Figure 8 w/ Anchor Step
1 2 3Step R to the side, Step L behind R, Make a ¼ turn right stepping forward on R (3:00)
4 5 6Step forward on L, Make a ½ pivot turn right, Make a ¼ turn right stepping L to the side
7&8Cross R behind L, Recover weight on L, Step R to the side (12:00)
[S14] Figure 8 w/ Reverse 1/2R Triple Turn
1 2 3Step L to the side, Step R behind L, Make a ¼ turn left stepping forward on L (9:00)
4 5 6Step forward on R, Make a ½ pivot turn left, Make a ¼ turn left stepping R to the side
7&8Step/push back on L, Make a ½ turn right stepping forward on R, Step L next to R (6:00)
[S15] Repeat S 13 (6:00)
[S16] Figure 8, Touch-Unwind 1/2L
1 2 3Step L to the side, Step R behind L, Make a ¼ turn left stepping forward on L (3:00)
4 5 6Step forward on R, Make a ½ pivot turn left, Make a ¼ turn left stepping R to the side (6:00)
7 8Touch back on L, Unwind ½ left taking weight on L (12:00)
During Wall 3, Dance up to S4 then skips S5 - S8 and move to S9.
The dance finishes at the front.
Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information. (hirokoclinedancing@gmail.com)
(updated: 2/Dec/20)