Intermediate / Advanced
Intro: 24 Count
Sec. 1 : L forward step, R chasse, L twinkle turn Left 1/4
1step forward LF to diagonal (1:30)
2&3step forward RF to diagonal (1:30), close LF to RF, step forward RF to diagonal (1:30)
4-6cross LF over RF(1:30), step RF slightly right of L (10:30), turn ¼ left step L to L side (9:00)
Sec. 2 : R cross, L side point, hold, weave
1-3cross RF over LF, touch LF side, hold
4, 5&6step LF cross behind, step RF side, cross LF over RF, step RF side
Sec. 3 : L check, R recover, L side, R twinkle turn Right 1/2
1-3Step fwd LF into check to diagonal, RF recover, step LF side
4-6cross RF over LF, turn 1/4 R step back LF, turn ¼ right step RF side (3:00)
Sec. 4 : Diamond
1-3cross LF over RF, step RF side, Turn 1/8 L Step back LF
4-6step Back RF to diagonal, Turn 1/8 L Step LF to Side (12:00), step forward RF
Sec. 5 : Turning ½ L waltz, waltz back basic
1-3step LF forward commencing ½ left turn, step RF back completing ½ left turn, close LF to RF (6:00)
4-6step RF back, step LF next to RF, step RF in place
*TAG : here on Wall 6 then restart dance
Sec. 6 : L Twinkle, R twinkle turn Right 3/4
1-3cross LF over RF , turn 1/4 L stepping RF slightly right of L , step L in placecc
4-6cross RF over LF, turn 1/4 R step RF back LF, turn 1/2right step RF side (3:00)
Sec. 7 : L cross, R side point, hold, weight change, hold
1-3cross LF over RF, touch RF side
4-6step RF side (Center from left to right), hold (Arm motion)
Sec. 8 : Reverse turn left with syncopated lock
1, 2&3turn 1/4 L step forward LF (12:00), turn 1/4 L step RF side (9:00), turn 1/8 L cross LF over RF, turn 1/8 L Step RF back (6:00)
4, 5&6turn 1/4 L step side LF (3:00), turn 1/8 L cross RF over LF, turn 3/8 L cross LF over RF (9:00) step side LF
TAG : After 6Wall 30count
1-2Put your legs together & Free arm movement
Contacts :
김경조 Kim Kyung jo - db5520@naver.com
이윤주 Lee Youn Ju - 0027029@hanmail.net
Sec. 1 : L forward step, R chasse, L twinkle turn Left 1/4
1step forward LF to diagonal (1:30)
2&3step forward RF to diagonal (1:30), close LF to RF, step forward RF to diagonal (1:30)
4-6cross LF over RF(1:30), step RF slightly right of L (10:30), turn ¼ left step L to L side (9:00)
Sec. 2 : R cross, L side point, hold, weave
1-3cross RF over LF, touch LF side, hold
4, 5&6step LF cross behind, step RF side, cross LF over RF, step RF side
Sec. 3 : L check, R recover, L side, R twinkle turn Right 1/2
1-3Step fwd LF into check to diagonal, RF recover, step LF side
4-6cross RF over LF, turn 1/4 R step back LF, turn ¼ right step RF side (3:00)
Sec. 4 : Diamond
1-3cross LF over RF, step RF side, Turn 1/8 L Step back LF
4-6step Back RF to diagonal, Turn 1/8 L Step LF to Side (12:00), step forward RF
Sec. 5 : Turning ½ L waltz, waltz back basic
1-3step LF forward commencing ½ left turn, step RF back completing ½ left turn, close LF to RF (6:00)
4-6step RF back, step LF next to RF, step RF in place
*TAG : here on Wall 6 then restart dance
Sec. 6 : L Twinkle, R twinkle turn Right 3/4
1-3cross LF over RF , turn 1/4 L stepping RF slightly right of L , step L in placecc
4-6cross RF over LF, turn 1/4 R step RF back LF, turn 1/2right step RF side (3:00)
Sec. 7 : L cross, R side point, hold, weight change, hold
1-3cross LF over RF, touch RF side
4-6step RF side (Center from left to right), hold (Arm motion)
Sec. 8 : Reverse turn left with syncopated lock
1, 2&3turn 1/4 L step forward LF (12:00), turn 1/4 L step RF side (9:00), turn 1/8 L cross LF over RF, turn 1/8 L Step RF back (6:00)
4, 5&6turn 1/4 L step side LF (3:00), turn 1/8 L cross RF over LF, turn 3/8 L cross LF over RF (9:00) step side LF
TAG : After 6Wall 30count
1-2Put your legs together & Free arm movement
Contacts :
김경조 Kim Kyung jo - db5520@naver.com
이윤주 Lee Youn Ju - 0027029@hanmail.net