Phrased Low Intermediate
Sequence: A Tag B B , A Tag B B ,A*
A S1: Walk A Circle ,Pimp Walks
1 2 3 4Walk a CCW circle L-R-L-R
5 6 7 8Step LF fwd n angled upperbody to the right , Cross RF over LF, Step LF fwd n angled upperbody to the right , Cross RF over LF
A S2: Bounce x4, Jazz Box,Kick ball Cross, Ball Cross
1&2&Facing 9h Bounce knees down and up x2
3&4&Facing 3h Bounce knees down and up x2
5 6 7Step LF cross RF, Step RF back, Step LF side
8&1Turn1/8L Kick RF fwd, Step RF side,Step LF cross (10:30h)
A S3: Hold, Ball Cross, Hold, Box Turn
2&3 4Hold(add shoulders pop),Step RF side, Step LF cross, Hold(add Shoulders pop)
5 6Turn1/8L Step RF side+Put hands on the chest (9h),Turn1/4L Step LF side(6h) 7 8 Turn1/4L Step RF side(3h), Turn 1/4L Step LF to left side(12h)
A S4: Bounce+hands rolling in the air, Body rollX2
1 2 3 4Bounce x2 weight on RF,Bouncex2 weight on LF(Hands rolling in the air)
5 6 7 8Roll the body up n down x2 *****3rd A :walk around CW R-L-R-L*****
Tag : Dig from right to Left,Pull Hands up, Big step L-R,Walk A Circle
1 2 3 4Step weight to RF n Dig down ,move body to the center
5 6 7 8Stand up slowly n Pull hands up
1 2 3 4Big step to the left+ right hand pull to right, Big step to the right+left hand pull to the left
5 6 7 8Walk a CCW circle L-R-L-R
B S1: Point & Point, Body roll, Step fwd+dragx2
1&2 3 4Point LF to left,Step LF close to RF, Point RF back,Change weight to RF+body roll
5 6 7 8Step LF fwd, Drag RF to LF, Step RF fwd, Drag LF to RF
B S2: Hitch & Hitch & Hitch,Hitch, Step Back+drag x2
1&2&3 4Hitch LF,Step LF down, Hitch RF, Step RF down, Hitch LF x2
5 6 7 8Step LF back ,Drag RF to LF, Step RF back, Drag LF to RF
B S3: Rolling Vine to the left, Rolling Vine to the right
1 2 3 4Full Turn left L-R-L ,Clap
5 6 7 8Full Turn right R-L-R ,Clap
B S4: Point,Point,Sailors x2
1 2 3&4Point LF over RF , Point LF side, LF sailors step L-R-L
5 6 7&8Point RF over LF , Point RF side, RF sailors step R-L-R
A S1: Walk A Circle ,Pimp Walks
1 2 3 4Walk a CCW circle L-R-L-R
5 6 7 8Step LF fwd n angled upperbody to the right , Cross RF over LF, Step LF fwd n angled upperbody to the right , Cross RF over LF
A S2: Bounce x4, Jazz Box,Kick ball Cross, Ball Cross
1&2&Facing 9h Bounce knees down and up x2
3&4&Facing 3h Bounce knees down and up x2
5 6 7Step LF cross RF, Step RF back, Step LF side
8&1Turn1/8L Kick RF fwd, Step RF side,Step LF cross (10:30h)
A S3: Hold, Ball Cross, Hold, Box Turn
2&3 4Hold(add shoulders pop),Step RF side, Step LF cross, Hold(add Shoulders pop)
5 6Turn1/8L Step RF side+Put hands on the chest (9h),Turn1/4L Step LF side(6h) 7 8 Turn1/4L Step RF side(3h), Turn 1/4L Step LF to left side(12h)
A S4: Bounce+hands rolling in the air, Body rollX2
1 2 3 4Bounce x2 weight on RF,Bouncex2 weight on LF(Hands rolling in the air)
5 6 7 8Roll the body up n down x2 *****3rd A :walk around CW R-L-R-L*****
Tag : Dig from right to Left,Pull Hands up, Big step L-R,Walk A Circle
1 2 3 4Step weight to RF n Dig down ,move body to the center
5 6 7 8Stand up slowly n Pull hands up
1 2 3 4Big step to the left+ right hand pull to right, Big step to the right+left hand pull to the left
5 6 7 8Walk a CCW circle L-R-L-R
B S1: Point & Point, Body roll, Step fwd+dragx2
1&2 3 4Point LF to left,Step LF close to RF, Point RF back,Change weight to RF+body roll
5 6 7 8Step LF fwd, Drag RF to LF, Step RF fwd, Drag LF to RF
B S2: Hitch & Hitch & Hitch,Hitch, Step Back+drag x2
1&2&3 4Hitch LF,Step LF down, Hitch RF, Step RF down, Hitch LF x2
5 6 7 8Step LF back ,Drag RF to LF, Step RF back, Drag LF to RF
B S3: Rolling Vine to the left, Rolling Vine to the right
1 2 3 4Full Turn left L-R-L ,Clap
5 6 7 8Full Turn right R-L-R ,Clap
B S4: Point,Point,Sailors x2
1 2 3&4Point LF over RF , Point LF side, LF sailors step L-R-L
5 6 7&8Point RF over LF , Point RF side, RF sailors step R-L-R