CopperKnob Stepsheets

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I'm In Love

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EWS Winson (MY) - November 2020
Your Song - Rita Ora
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Intro: 16 counts in (approx. 0.13 sec)
#1 (1-8) R Forward Rock & Recover, R Close, L Forward, L&R Heel Swivels, L Coaster Cross, R-L Syncopated Side Touches
1-2&Weight on LF: Rock RF forward (1), recover weight on LF (2), close RF beside LF (&) 12.00
3&4Step LF forward (3), twist both heels to L side (&), return heels to centre (4) 12.00
5&6Step LF back (5), close RF beside LF (&), cross LF over RF (6) 12.00
&7&8Step RF to R side (&), touch L toes beside RF (7), step LF to L side (&), touch R toes beside LF (8) 12.00

#2 (9-16) R Side Kick, R Hitch, R Behind, L Side Kick, L Hitch, L Behind, R Back Ball Change, R Pivot ½ (L), R Side
1&2Kick RF to R side - low kick (1), lift R knee beside LF (&), step RF back (2) 12.00
3&4Kick LF to L side - low kick (3), lift L knee beside RF (&), step LF back (4) 12.00
&5Step RF slightly back (&), step LF in place (5) 12.00
6-8Step RF forward (6), turn ½ L over L shoulder (7), step RF to R side (8) - shoulder width apart *** 6.00
Restart here on Wall 4, changing the last step to "Touch R toes beside LF" and start again, facing 3.00 o'clock.

#3 (17-24) R&L Syncopated Applejacks, R Sailor Step, L Lock Unwind ¾ (R)
1&2&Twist L heel in and fan R toes out to R side (1), return both heel and toes to centre (&), twist R heel in and fan L toes out to L side (2), return both heel and toes to centre (&) 6.00
3&4Twist L heel in and fan R toes out to R side (3), return both heel and toes to centre (&), twist L heel in and fan R toes out to R side (4) - maintain weight on LF 6.00
5&6Cross RF behind LF (5), step LF to L side (&), step RF to R side (6) 6.00
7-8Lock LF behind R heel (7), turn ¾ L over L shoulder (8) - no weight 9.00

#4 (25-32) R Side, L Close & R Sweep, R Cross Shuffle, L Step, R Heel, R Ball, L Cross, L Cross Unwind ½ (R) with Heels Bounced
1-2Step RF to R side (1), close LF beside RF and sweep RF from back to front (2) 9.00
3&4Cross RF over LF (3), step LF to L side (&), cross RF over LF (4) 9.00
&5&6Step LF to L side (&), touch R heel forward to R diagonal (5), step RF in place (&), cross LF over RF (6) 9.00
&7&8Turn ¼ R popping both heels forward (&), return both heels (7), turn ¼ R popping both heels forward (&), return both heels (8) - maintain weight on LF 3.00


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