High Beginner
(Music Available from iTunes) Start on vocals (32 count intro)
(Counts 1 - 8) Sway Forward R/L/R, Touch R; Sway Forward L/R/L, Touch L
1 - 2Sway forward on R, sway back on L
3 - 4Sway forward on R, touch L toe beside R
5 - 6Sway forward on L, sway back on R
7 - 8Sway forward on L, touch R toe beside
(Counts 9-16) Step ¼ Turn L; Stomp R/L; R Rocking Chair
1 - 2Step forward on R, pivot ¼ turn L (weight on L) (9 o'clock)
3 - 4Stomp R in place, stomp L in place
5 - 6Rock forward on R, recover weight on L
7 - 8Rock back on R, recover weight on L
** During wall 5 Add ¼ turning jazzbox right and restart (12 o'clock)- see note below.
(Counts 17-24) Jazz Box x 2
1 - 2Cross R over L, step back on L
3 - 4Step R to R side, step L in place
5 - 6Cross R over L, step back on L
7 - 8Step R to R side, step L in place
(Counts 25-32) Step Forward R, Point L to Side; Step Forward L, Point R to Side; ¾ Walk Around R
1 - 2Step forward on R, point L toe to L side
3 - 4Step forward on L, point R toe to R side
5 - 8Making a ¾ turn over R shoulder, walk around stepping R/L/R/L (6 o'clock)
(Counts 33-40) Rhumba Box Forward; Rhumba Box Back
1 - 2Step R to R side, step L beside R
3 - 4Step forward on R, touch L toe beside R
5 - 6Step L to L side, step R beside L
7 - 8Step back on L, touch R toe beside L
(Counts 41-48) Charleston Steps x 2
1 - 2Step forward on R, kick L forward
3 - 4Step back on L, touch R toes beside L
5 - 6Repeat counts 1 - 2
7 - 8Repeat counts 3 - 4
**Wall 5. Dance the first 16 counts up to and including rocking chair then make a ¼ turning R jazz box to face 12.00 o'clock and restart the dance again.
Email: christinec48@hotmail.com
(Counts 1 - 8) Sway Forward R/L/R, Touch R; Sway Forward L/R/L, Touch L
1 - 2Sway forward on R, sway back on L
3 - 4Sway forward on R, touch L toe beside R
5 - 6Sway forward on L, sway back on R
7 - 8Sway forward on L, touch R toe beside
(Counts 9-16) Step ¼ Turn L; Stomp R/L; R Rocking Chair
1 - 2Step forward on R, pivot ¼ turn L (weight on L) (9 o'clock)
3 - 4Stomp R in place, stomp L in place
5 - 6Rock forward on R, recover weight on L
7 - 8Rock back on R, recover weight on L
** During wall 5 Add ¼ turning jazzbox right and restart (12 o'clock)- see note below.
(Counts 17-24) Jazz Box x 2
1 - 2Cross R over L, step back on L
3 - 4Step R to R side, step L in place
5 - 6Cross R over L, step back on L
7 - 8Step R to R side, step L in place
(Counts 25-32) Step Forward R, Point L to Side; Step Forward L, Point R to Side; ¾ Walk Around R
1 - 2Step forward on R, point L toe to L side
3 - 4Step forward on L, point R toe to R side
5 - 8Making a ¾ turn over R shoulder, walk around stepping R/L/R/L (6 o'clock)
(Counts 33-40) Rhumba Box Forward; Rhumba Box Back
1 - 2Step R to R side, step L beside R
3 - 4Step forward on R, touch L toe beside R
5 - 6Step L to L side, step R beside L
7 - 8Step back on L, touch R toe beside L
(Counts 41-48) Charleston Steps x 2
1 - 2Step forward on R, kick L forward
3 - 4Step back on L, touch R toes beside L
5 - 6Repeat counts 1 - 2
7 - 8Repeat counts 3 - 4
**Wall 5. Dance the first 16 counts up to and including rocking chair then make a ¼ turning R jazz box to face 12.00 o'clock and restart the dance again.
Email: christinec48@hotmail.com