#16 count intro. No Tags, No Retarts.
1-4Place R heel fwd at 45deg, step R back next to L , Place L heel fwd at 45dg, step L back next to R
5-8Place R heel fwd at 45eg, step R back next to L, Place L heel fwd at 45deg, step L back next to R.
9-12Vine Right Step R to R, step L behind R, step R to R, Touch L next to R.
13-16Vine Left ¼ turn L Step L to L, step R behind L, step L to L turning ¼ turn L, step fwd on L, low scuff fwd with R heel.(9.00)
17-20Fan Right toes, Stomp R foot fwd, turning toes in, out, in, out (weight on Right)
21-24Fan Left toes, Stomp L foot fwd turning in, out, in, out (weight on Left)
25 28Right Rocking chair Rock/step fwd onto R, replace weight onto L, rock/step back onto R, replace weight onto L
29-32Two 1/8 paddles to the left, stepping fwd onto R, push/step 1/8 to the L, push/step fwd 1/8 to Left. (6.00)
1-4Place R heel fwd at 45deg, step R back next to L , Place L heel fwd at 45dg, step L back next to R
5-8Place R heel fwd at 45eg, step R back next to L, Place L heel fwd at 45deg, step L back next to R.
9-12Vine Right Step R to R, step L behind R, step R to R, Touch L next to R.
13-16Vine Left ¼ turn L Step L to L, step R behind L, step L to L turning ¼ turn L, step fwd on L, low scuff fwd with R heel.(9.00)
17-20Fan Right toes, Stomp R foot fwd, turning toes in, out, in, out (weight on Right)
21-24Fan Left toes, Stomp L foot fwd turning in, out, in, out (weight on Left)
25 28Right Rocking chair Rock/step fwd onto R, replace weight onto L, rock/step back onto R, replace weight onto L
29-32Two 1/8 paddles to the left, stepping fwd onto R, push/step 1/8 to the L, push/step fwd 1/8 to Left. (6.00)