CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Love Almost Faded

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Judy Rodgers (USA) - November 2020
Love Almost Faded - Real McCoy : (Amazon: Album: One More Time)
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#48 count intro - Sequence: A A B A A B A freeze A B A(16 counts/end)

Part A (32 cnt):
S1: Step lock & step lock &, out out, coaster step
1-2&Step R fwd to right diagonal, step lock L behind R, step R fwd
3-4&Step L fwd to left diagonal, step lock R behind L, step L fwd
5-6Step R fwd right diagonal, step L fwd left diagonal
7&8Step R back, step L beside R, step R fwd

S2: Kick ball cross, big step drag/touch, turn 1/4 R, turn 1/4 R, sailor step
1&2Kick L fwd, step on ball of L, cross R over L
3&4Step L big step to left, drag R slowly toward L, touch R beside L
5-6Turn 1/4 right step R fwd, turn 1/4 right step L to side 6:00
7&8Step R behind L, step L to left side, step R to right side

S3: Sync weave, hold/clap, side behind hold/clap, side cross rock
1-2Step L to left side, step R behind L
&3-4Step L to left, step R across L, hold/clap
&5-6Step L to left, step R behind L, hold/clap
&7-8Step L to left, rock R across L, recover L

S4: Side, behind, shuffle turn 1/4 R, turn 1/2 R, turn 1/2 R, shuffle
1-2Step R to right side, step L behind R
3&4Turn 1/4 right shuffle fwd R L R 9:00
5-6Turn 1/2 right step L back, turn 1/2 right step R fwd ) (option: ' walk L, walk R ' )
7&8Shuffle fwd L R L
**On 5th time dancing Part A, there will be 4 counts of silence at the end ...... 'freeze', then start A again

Part B (32 cnt):
S1: Rock recover cross hold, fwd rock, side rock, coaster step
1-4Rock R to right, recover L, cross R over L, hold
5&6&Rock L fwd, recover R, rock L to left side, recover R
7&8Rock L back, step R beside L, step L forward
S2: Repeat S1 above (Rock recover cross hold, fwd rock, side rock, coaster step)

S3: Side rock & side rock, sailor step, behind turn 1/4 R step
1-2Rock R to right side, recover L
&3-4Step R together, rock L to left, recover R
5&6Step L behind R, step R to right side, step L to left side
7&8Step R behind L, turn 1/4 left step L fwd, step R fwd 3:00

S4: Kick & point & step heel twists, coaster step, walk walk
1&2Kick L fwd, step on ball of L, point R to right side
&3&4Step R beside L, step L fwd, twist both heels to right, twist both heels back to center
5&6Step L back, step R beside L, step L fwd
7-8Walk fwd R, L

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