Start on vocals at 6 seconds
Jazz: Feels so Good by Jonathan Butler on the album, So Good; 3:44,Start at 20 seconds in on vocals
R&B: Old School Lovin' by Chante Moore on the album, 20th Century Masters—The Millennium Collection—The Best of Chante Moore, 5:00, start at 38 seconds with the vocal "as the clock"
Section I- Rock, recover, back ½ shuffle, pivot ½, shuffle forward
1-2Rock forward on right, recover on left
3&4shuffle ½ turning right (R, L, R)
5-6step forward on left, pivot ½ right
7&8shuffle forward, (L, R, L)
Section II- Pivot ¼ left, crossing shuffle (R, L, R), step left, turn right ½, right crossing shuffle (L, R. L)
1-2Step right forward, pivot1/4 turn left (weight on left)
3&4Step right across left, step left to left, step right to left
5-6Step left to left, step right to right (turning 1/2 right)(facing 9 o'clock)
7&8step left across right, step right to right, step left across right
Section III- Syncopated right rock and cross (r, l, r), syncopated vine left (l, r, l) , pivot ½ left, sway, sway
1&2step right to side, recover on left, step right across left
3&4step left to left, step right behind left, step left to left
5-6step right forward, pivot ½ left
7-8sway right, left
Section IV- Shuffle forward, rock, recover, ½ turn shuffle, walk, walk
1&2step right forward, step left next to right, step right forward
3-4rock forward on left, recover on right
5&6½ turn (left) shuffle (L,R,L)
7-8step forward right, step forward left
Repeat. Enjoy
Contact: Jim Collins seacoastlinedance@gmail.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfq43wy1OX4XN7eBzDBpYyA
Jazz: Feels so Good by Jonathan Butler on the album, So Good; 3:44,Start at 20 seconds in on vocals
R&B: Old School Lovin' by Chante Moore on the album, 20th Century Masters—The Millennium Collection—The Best of Chante Moore, 5:00, start at 38 seconds with the vocal "as the clock"
Section I- Rock, recover, back ½ shuffle, pivot ½, shuffle forward
1-2Rock forward on right, recover on left
3&4shuffle ½ turning right (R, L, R)
5-6step forward on left, pivot ½ right
7&8shuffle forward, (L, R, L)
Section II- Pivot ¼ left, crossing shuffle (R, L, R), step left, turn right ½, right crossing shuffle (L, R. L)
1-2Step right forward, pivot1/4 turn left (weight on left)
3&4Step right across left, step left to left, step right to left
5-6Step left to left, step right to right (turning 1/2 right)(facing 9 o'clock)
7&8step left across right, step right to right, step left across right
Section III- Syncopated right rock and cross (r, l, r), syncopated vine left (l, r, l) , pivot ½ left, sway, sway
1&2step right to side, recover on left, step right across left
3&4step left to left, step right behind left, step left to left
5-6step right forward, pivot ½ left
7-8sway right, left
Section IV- Shuffle forward, rock, recover, ½ turn shuffle, walk, walk
1&2step right forward, step left next to right, step right forward
3-4rock forward on left, recover on right
5&6½ turn (left) shuffle (L,R,L)
7-8step forward right, step forward left
Repeat. Enjoy
Contact: Jim Collins seacoastlinedance@gmail.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfq43wy1OX4XN7eBzDBpYyA