Phrased Novice - Country
Sequeence : A - B - C - A - B - C
Start the dance on lyrics .
A :
A01 Vine to right side - Side rock - Recover - Step 1/4 turn left forward - Step forward
1-2-3-4RF. Step to right side - LF. step behind RF. - RF. step to right side - LF. cross over RF.
5-6-7-8RF. Rock to right side - Rec. weight onto LF. - RF. step ¼ turn left fwd. - LF. step fwd.
A02 Step ( diag. ) to right fwd. - Lock behind - Step fwd. - Scuff fwd. - Step ( diag. ) to left fwd. - Lock behind - Step fwd. - Scuff fwd.
1-2-3-4RF. Stap ( diag. ) to right fwd. - LF. lock behind RF. - RF. step fwd. - LF. scuff fwd.
5-6-7-8LF. Step ( diag. 0 to left fwd. - RF. lock behind LF . - LF. step fwd. - RF. scuff fwd.
A03 Cross over - Step back - Step back - Cross over - Rock back - Recover - Walk fwd. ( R - L )
1-2-3-4RF. Cross over LF. - LF. step back - RF. step back - LF. cross over RF.
5-6-7-8RF. Rock back - Recover weight onto LF. - Walk fwd . ( R - L )
A04 Jazz box - Jazz box with 1/4 turn left fwd.
1-2-3-4RF. Cross over LF. - LF. step back - RF. step to right side - LF. step together
5-6-7-8RF. Cross over LF. - LF. step back - RF. step ¼ turn left back - LF. step together
A05 Vine to right side - Side rock - Recover - Step 1/4 turn left forward - Step forward
1-2-3-4RF. Step to right side - LF. step behind RF. - RF. step to right side - LF. cross over RF.
5-6-7-8RF. Rock to right side - Recover weight onto LF. - RF. step 1/4 turn left fwd. - LF. Step fwd.
A06 Step ( diag. ) to right fwd. - Lock behind - Step fwd. - Scuff fwd. - Step ( diag. ) to left fwd. - Lock behind - Step fwd. - Scuff fwd.
1-2-3-4RF. Step ( diag. ) to right side fwd. - LF. lock behind RF. - RF. step fwd . - LF. scuff fwd.
5-6-7-8LF. Step ( diag. ) to left fwd. - RF. lock behind LF. - LF. step fwd. - RF. scuff fwd.
A07 Rock fwd. - Recover - Step 1/2 turn right fwd. - Step fwd. - Jazz box
1-2-3-4RF. Rock fwd. - Recover weight onto LF. - RF . step ½ turn right fwd. - LF. step fwd.
5-6-7-8RF. Cross over LF. - LF. step back -RF. step to right side - LF. step together -
A08 Pivot 1/4 turn left ( 2x ) - Hips sway ( R - L - R - L )
1-2-3-4RF. Step fwd. - RF./LF. step ¼ turn left - RF. step fwd. - RF./LF. step ¼ turn left
5-6-7-8Hips sway ( R - L - R - L )
B :
B01 Step to right side - Together - Back rock - Recover - Rock fwd. - Recover - Kick ball cross
1-2-3-4RF. Step to right side - LF. step together - RF. rock back - Recover weight onto LF.
5-6-7&8RF. Rock fwd. - Recover weight onto LF. - RF. kick fwd. - RF. set ball down - LF. cross over RF.
B02 Step to right side - Together - Back rock - Recover - Rock fwd. - Recover - Jump ( out-in )
1-2-3-4RF. Step to right side - LF. step together - RF. rock back - Recover weight onto LF.
5-6-&7-&8RF. Rock fwd. - Recover weight onto LF. - Jump ( RF. / LF. out - RF./ LF. in )
B03 Step ( diag. ) to right fwd. - Lock behind - Step fwd. - Scuff fwd. - Step ( diag. ) to left fwd. - Lock behind - Step fwd. - Scuff fwd.
1-2-3-4RF. Step ( diag. ) to right fwd. - LF. lock behind RF. - RF. step fwd. - LF. scuff fwd.
5-6-7-8LF. Step ( diag. ) left fwd. - RF. lock behind LF. - LF. step fwd. - RF. scuff fwd .
B04 Rocking chairs - Pivot 1/2 turn left - Pivot 1/4 turn left
1-2-3-4RF. Rock fwd. - Recover weight onto LF. - RF. rock bak - Recover weight onto LF.
5-6-7-8RF. Step fwd. - RF./LF. step ½ turn left - RF. step fwd. - RF./LF. step ¼ turn left
B05 Vine to right side - Side rock - Recover - Step 1/4 turn left forward - Step forward
1-2-3-4RF. Step to right side - LF. step behind RF. - RF. step to right - LF. cross over RF.
5-6-7-8RF. Rock to right side - Recover weight onto LF. - RF. step ¼ turn left fwd. - LF. step fwd.
B06 Step ( diag. ) to right fwd. - Lock behind - Step fwd. - Scuff fwd. - Step ( diag. ) to left fwd. - Lock behind - Step fwd. - Scuff fwd.
1-2-3-4RF. Step ( diag. ) to right fwd. - LF. lock behind RF. - RF. step fwd. - LF. scuff fwd.
5-6-7-8LF. Step ( diag. ) left fwd. - RF. lock behind LF. - LF. step fwd. - RF. scuff fwd.
B07 Cross over - Step back - Step back - Cross over - Rock back - Recover - Walk fwd. ( R - L )
1-2-3-4RF. Cross over LF. - LF. step back - RF. step back - LF. cross over RF.
5-6-7-8RF. Rock back - Recover weight onto LF. - Walk forward ( R - L )
B08 Jazz box - Jazz box with ¼ turn left
1-2-3-4RF. Cross over LF. - LF. step back - RF. step to right side - LF. step together
5-6-7-8RF. Cross over LF. - LF. step back - RF. step ¼ turn left back - LF. step together
C :
C01 Right side step - Together - Chasse right - Left side step - Together - Chasse left
1-2-3&4RF. Step to right side - LF. step together - RF. step to right - LF. step together - RF. step to right
5-6-7&8LF. Step to left side - RF. step together - LF. step to lrft - RF. step together - LF. step to left
C02 Right side step - Together - Chasse right - Left side step - Together - Chasse left
1-2-3&4RF. Step to right side - LF. step together - RF. step to right - LF. step together - RF. step to right
5-6-7&8LF. Step to left side - RF. step together - LF. step to left - RF. step together - LF. step to left
C03 Pivot 1/2 turn left ( 2x ) - Jazz box
1-2-3-4RF. Step fwd. - RF./LF. step ½ turn left - RF. step fwd. - RF. /LF. step ½ turn left
5-6-7-8RF. Cross over LF. - LF. step back - RF. step to right side - LF. step together .
Contact: H.Oei@kpnplanet.nl
Start the dance on lyrics .
A :
A01 Vine to right side - Side rock - Recover - Step 1/4 turn left forward - Step forward
1-2-3-4RF. Step to right side - LF. step behind RF. - RF. step to right side - LF. cross over RF.
5-6-7-8RF. Rock to right side - Rec. weight onto LF. - RF. step ¼ turn left fwd. - LF. step fwd.
A02 Step ( diag. ) to right fwd. - Lock behind - Step fwd. - Scuff fwd. - Step ( diag. ) to left fwd. - Lock behind - Step fwd. - Scuff fwd.
1-2-3-4RF. Stap ( diag. ) to right fwd. - LF. lock behind RF. - RF. step fwd. - LF. scuff fwd.
5-6-7-8LF. Step ( diag. 0 to left fwd. - RF. lock behind LF . - LF. step fwd. - RF. scuff fwd.
A03 Cross over - Step back - Step back - Cross over - Rock back - Recover - Walk fwd. ( R - L )
1-2-3-4RF. Cross over LF. - LF. step back - RF. step back - LF. cross over RF.
5-6-7-8RF. Rock back - Recover weight onto LF. - Walk fwd . ( R - L )
A04 Jazz box - Jazz box with 1/4 turn left fwd.
1-2-3-4RF. Cross over LF. - LF. step back - RF. step to right side - LF. step together
5-6-7-8RF. Cross over LF. - LF. step back - RF. step ¼ turn left back - LF. step together
A05 Vine to right side - Side rock - Recover - Step 1/4 turn left forward - Step forward
1-2-3-4RF. Step to right side - LF. step behind RF. - RF. step to right side - LF. cross over RF.
5-6-7-8RF. Rock to right side - Recover weight onto LF. - RF. step 1/4 turn left fwd. - LF. Step fwd.
A06 Step ( diag. ) to right fwd. - Lock behind - Step fwd. - Scuff fwd. - Step ( diag. ) to left fwd. - Lock behind - Step fwd. - Scuff fwd.
1-2-3-4RF. Step ( diag. ) to right side fwd. - LF. lock behind RF. - RF. step fwd . - LF. scuff fwd.
5-6-7-8LF. Step ( diag. ) to left fwd. - RF. lock behind LF. - LF. step fwd. - RF. scuff fwd.
A07 Rock fwd. - Recover - Step 1/2 turn right fwd. - Step fwd. - Jazz box
1-2-3-4RF. Rock fwd. - Recover weight onto LF. - RF . step ½ turn right fwd. - LF. step fwd.
5-6-7-8RF. Cross over LF. - LF. step back -RF. step to right side - LF. step together -
A08 Pivot 1/4 turn left ( 2x ) - Hips sway ( R - L - R - L )
1-2-3-4RF. Step fwd. - RF./LF. step ¼ turn left - RF. step fwd. - RF./LF. step ¼ turn left
5-6-7-8Hips sway ( R - L - R - L )
B :
B01 Step to right side - Together - Back rock - Recover - Rock fwd. - Recover - Kick ball cross
1-2-3-4RF. Step to right side - LF. step together - RF. rock back - Recover weight onto LF.
5-6-7&8RF. Rock fwd. - Recover weight onto LF. - RF. kick fwd. - RF. set ball down - LF. cross over RF.
B02 Step to right side - Together - Back rock - Recover - Rock fwd. - Recover - Jump ( out-in )
1-2-3-4RF. Step to right side - LF. step together - RF. rock back - Recover weight onto LF.
5-6-&7-&8RF. Rock fwd. - Recover weight onto LF. - Jump ( RF. / LF. out - RF./ LF. in )
B03 Step ( diag. ) to right fwd. - Lock behind - Step fwd. - Scuff fwd. - Step ( diag. ) to left fwd. - Lock behind - Step fwd. - Scuff fwd.
1-2-3-4RF. Step ( diag. ) to right fwd. - LF. lock behind RF. - RF. step fwd. - LF. scuff fwd.
5-6-7-8LF. Step ( diag. ) left fwd. - RF. lock behind LF. - LF. step fwd. - RF. scuff fwd .
B04 Rocking chairs - Pivot 1/2 turn left - Pivot 1/4 turn left
1-2-3-4RF. Rock fwd. - Recover weight onto LF. - RF. rock bak - Recover weight onto LF.
5-6-7-8RF. Step fwd. - RF./LF. step ½ turn left - RF. step fwd. - RF./LF. step ¼ turn left
B05 Vine to right side - Side rock - Recover - Step 1/4 turn left forward - Step forward
1-2-3-4RF. Step to right side - LF. step behind RF. - RF. step to right - LF. cross over RF.
5-6-7-8RF. Rock to right side - Recover weight onto LF. - RF. step ¼ turn left fwd. - LF. step fwd.
B06 Step ( diag. ) to right fwd. - Lock behind - Step fwd. - Scuff fwd. - Step ( diag. ) to left fwd. - Lock behind - Step fwd. - Scuff fwd.
1-2-3-4RF. Step ( diag. ) to right fwd. - LF. lock behind RF. - RF. step fwd. - LF. scuff fwd.
5-6-7-8LF. Step ( diag. ) left fwd. - RF. lock behind LF. - LF. step fwd. - RF. scuff fwd.
B07 Cross over - Step back - Step back - Cross over - Rock back - Recover - Walk fwd. ( R - L )
1-2-3-4RF. Cross over LF. - LF. step back - RF. step back - LF. cross over RF.
5-6-7-8RF. Rock back - Recover weight onto LF. - Walk forward ( R - L )
B08 Jazz box - Jazz box with ¼ turn left
1-2-3-4RF. Cross over LF. - LF. step back - RF. step to right side - LF. step together
5-6-7-8RF. Cross over LF. - LF. step back - RF. step ¼ turn left back - LF. step together
C :
C01 Right side step - Together - Chasse right - Left side step - Together - Chasse left
1-2-3&4RF. Step to right side - LF. step together - RF. step to right - LF. step together - RF. step to right
5-6-7&8LF. Step to left side - RF. step together - LF. step to lrft - RF. step together - LF. step to left
C02 Right side step - Together - Chasse right - Left side step - Together - Chasse left
1-2-3&4RF. Step to right side - LF. step together - RF. step to right - LF. step together - RF. step to right
5-6-7&8LF. Step to left side - RF. step together - LF. step to left - RF. step together - LF. step to left
C03 Pivot 1/2 turn left ( 2x ) - Jazz box
1-2-3-4RF. Step fwd. - RF./LF. step ½ turn left - RF. step fwd. - RF. /LF. step ½ turn left
5-6-7-8RF. Cross over LF. - LF. step back - RF. step to right side - LF. step together .
Contact: H.Oei@kpnplanet.nl