* count Intro - No Tags or Restarts.
1Skate right forward both arms up right 45 degrees.
2Skate left forward both arms up left 45 degrees.
3Skate right forward both arms up right 45 degrees.
4Skate left forward both arms up left 45 degrees.
Walk Back
5.Right step back both arms down right 45 degrees.
6.Left step back both arms down left 45 degrees.
7.Right step back both arms down right 45 degrees.
8.Left step back both arms down left 45 degrees.
Knees Out/In, Chasse, Pivot Turn
1Knees out, both hands on knees.
2Knees in, both hands on knees.
3 & 4.Chasse forward (right, left, right).
5 & 6.Chasse forward (left, right, left).
7 & 8.Step forward right, pivot 1/2 to your left.
Quarter Weave Cross, Step, Hold, Sailor Step
1Turn quarter left while stepping right to right side.
2Cross step left behind right.
3Step right to right.
4Cross left over right.
5.Step right, hands up 45 degrees.
6.Hold, hands down to side
7 & 8.Sailor step (left right left with a quarter turn left).
Cross Points, Jazz Box Quarter Turn
1Right foot crosses over left.
2Left foot points out to the left side, both arms down 45 degrees to the right.
3Left foot crosses over right.
4Right foot points out to the right side, both arms down 45 degrees to the left.
5Cross right over left.
6Step back on left.
7.Quarter turn right stepping right to right side.
8.Step left.
1Skate right forward both arms up right 45 degrees.
2Skate left forward both arms up left 45 degrees.
3Skate right forward both arms up right 45 degrees.
4Skate left forward both arms up left 45 degrees.
Walk Back
5.Right step back both arms down right 45 degrees.
6.Left step back both arms down left 45 degrees.
7.Right step back both arms down right 45 degrees.
8.Left step back both arms down left 45 degrees.
Knees Out/In, Chasse, Pivot Turn
1Knees out, both hands on knees.
2Knees in, both hands on knees.
3 & 4.Chasse forward (right, left, right).
5 & 6.Chasse forward (left, right, left).
7 & 8.Step forward right, pivot 1/2 to your left.
Quarter Weave Cross, Step, Hold, Sailor Step
1Turn quarter left while stepping right to right side.
2Cross step left behind right.
3Step right to right.
4Cross left over right.
5.Step right, hands up 45 degrees.
6.Hold, hands down to side
7 & 8.Sailor step (left right left with a quarter turn left).
Cross Points, Jazz Box Quarter Turn
1Right foot crosses over left.
2Left foot points out to the left side, both arms down 45 degrees to the right.
3Left foot crosses over right.
4Right foot points out to the right side, both arms down 45 degrees to the left.
5Cross right over left.
6Step back on left.
7.Quarter turn right stepping right to right side.
8.Step left.