intro 16 counts
section1 : switches steps with ½ pivot turn L
1&2&touch R on side, step R next to L, touch L on side, step L next to R
3&4&touch R heel foward, step R next to L, touch L heel foward, step L next to R
restart here on wall 9 facing 12:00
5&6&touch R back, step R next to L, touch L heel foward, step Lf next to R
7-8step Rf foward, make ½ turn L 6:00
section 2 side rock R, behind side cross, side rock L , behind side cross
1-2step Rf on side, recover onto L
3&4cross Rf behind L, step Lf on side, cross Rf over L
5-6step Lf on side, recover onto R
7&8cross Lf behind R, step Rf on side, cross Lf over R
section 3 : triple foward R, tap, jump, tap, triple L foward, tap, jump , tap
1&2step Rf foward, step Lf next to R, step Rf foward
3&4tap Lf over R , jump on Rf, tap Lf over R
5&6step Lf foward, step Rf next to Lf, step Lf foward
7&8tap Rf over L, jump on Lf, tap Rf over L
section 4 : R triple back, L coaster step, R heel grind ¼ turn R, R back rock
1&2step Rf back, step Lf next to R, step Rf back
3&4step Lf back, step Rf next to L, step Lf foward
5-6Rock foward R heel twisting R toe from L to R making ¼ turn R recover back L 9:00
7-8step Rf back, recover onto L
start again with smile
section1 : switches steps with ½ pivot turn L
1&2&touch R on side, step R next to L, touch L on side, step L next to R
3&4&touch R heel foward, step R next to L, touch L heel foward, step L next to R
restart here on wall 9 facing 12:00
5&6&touch R back, step R next to L, touch L heel foward, step Lf next to R
7-8step Rf foward, make ½ turn L 6:00
section 2 side rock R, behind side cross, side rock L , behind side cross
1-2step Rf on side, recover onto L
3&4cross Rf behind L, step Lf on side, cross Rf over L
5-6step Lf on side, recover onto R
7&8cross Lf behind R, step Rf on side, cross Lf over R
section 3 : triple foward R, tap, jump, tap, triple L foward, tap, jump , tap
1&2step Rf foward, step Lf next to R, step Rf foward
3&4tap Lf over R , jump on Rf, tap Lf over R
5&6step Lf foward, step Rf next to Lf, step Lf foward
7&8tap Rf over L, jump on Lf, tap Rf over L
section 4 : R triple back, L coaster step, R heel grind ¼ turn R, R back rock
1&2step Rf back, step Lf next to R, step Rf back
3&4step Lf back, step Rf next to L, step Lf foward
5-6Rock foward R heel twisting R toe from L to R making ¼ turn R recover back L 9:00
7-8step Rf back, recover onto L
start again with smile