Song available on Amazon Digital (3:02)
Restart on Wall 3 after 8 counts, facing [12:00]
Intro: 16 counts, start with weight on R
(1-8) Side, close, forward lock step, side, close, back lock step
1,2Step L to left, close R
3&4Step L forward, R behind left, step L forward
5,6Step R to right, close L
7&8Step R back, lock L behind R, step R back
Restart here on Wall 3, facing 12:00
(9-16) Step back, touch with bent knee, kick, cross, point, step forward, touch with bent knee, kick, cross, point
1,2Step L back, touch R forward with bent knee
3&4Kick R forward, cross R over L, point L to left
5,6Step L forward, touch R forward with bent knee
7&8Kick R forward, cross R over L, point L to left
(17-24) Cross-side sailor/x2
1,2Cross L over R, step R to right
3&4Cross L behind R, step R right, step L to left
5,6Cross R over L, step L to left
7&8Cross R behind L, step L to left, step R to right
(25-32) Step forward, 1/4 left turn hitch, vaudeville x3
1,2Step L forward and hitch R, make 1/4 left turn on L ball [9:00]
3&4Cross R over L, step L to left, present R heel to right diagonal
&5&6Step R in place, cross L over R, step R to right, present L heel to left diagonal
&7&8Step L in place, cross R over L, step L to left, present R heel to right diagonal
(33-40) Walk, walk, mambo 1/2 right turn, step forward, walk, walk, mambo, 1/4 left turn
1,2Walk forward R/L
3&4Rock R forward, recover L, 1/2 right turn step R forward [3:00]
5,6Walk forward L/R
7&8Rock L forward, recover R, 1/4 left turn step L to left [12:00]
(41-48) Walk, walk, 1/2 left turn pivot with hip roll, syncopated rocking chair, step, 2 claps
1,2Walk forward R/L
3,4Step R forward, 1/2 left turn with counter-clockwise hip roll, step L forward [6:00]
5&6&Rock R forward, recover L, rock R back, recover L
7&8Step R forward, clap, clap
ENDING: Wall 6 ends after count 32 facing [3:00]. Swivel on both feet to face [12:00] for count 1
Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. If you would like to use it on your website, it must be used in its original format. Contact the choreographers with your questions: brenshatto@yahoo.com; barbara.tobin@yahoo.com August 5, 2020
Restart on Wall 3 after 8 counts, facing [12:00]
Intro: 16 counts, start with weight on R
(1-8) Side, close, forward lock step, side, close, back lock step
1,2Step L to left, close R
3&4Step L forward, R behind left, step L forward
5,6Step R to right, close L
7&8Step R back, lock L behind R, step R back
Restart here on Wall 3, facing 12:00
(9-16) Step back, touch with bent knee, kick, cross, point, step forward, touch with bent knee, kick, cross, point
1,2Step L back, touch R forward with bent knee
3&4Kick R forward, cross R over L, point L to left
5,6Step L forward, touch R forward with bent knee
7&8Kick R forward, cross R over L, point L to left
(17-24) Cross-side sailor/x2
1,2Cross L over R, step R to right
3&4Cross L behind R, step R right, step L to left
5,6Cross R over L, step L to left
7&8Cross R behind L, step L to left, step R to right
(25-32) Step forward, 1/4 left turn hitch, vaudeville x3
1,2Step L forward and hitch R, make 1/4 left turn on L ball [9:00]
3&4Cross R over L, step L to left, present R heel to right diagonal
&5&6Step R in place, cross L over R, step R to right, present L heel to left diagonal
&7&8Step L in place, cross R over L, step L to left, present R heel to right diagonal
(33-40) Walk, walk, mambo 1/2 right turn, step forward, walk, walk, mambo, 1/4 left turn
1,2Walk forward R/L
3&4Rock R forward, recover L, 1/2 right turn step R forward [3:00]
5,6Walk forward L/R
7&8Rock L forward, recover R, 1/4 left turn step L to left [12:00]
(41-48) Walk, walk, 1/2 left turn pivot with hip roll, syncopated rocking chair, step, 2 claps
1,2Walk forward R/L
3,4Step R forward, 1/2 left turn with counter-clockwise hip roll, step L forward [6:00]
5&6&Rock R forward, recover L, rock R back, recover L
7&8Step R forward, clap, clap
ENDING: Wall 6 ends after count 32 facing [3:00]. Swivel on both feet to face [12:00] for count 1
Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. If you would like to use it on your website, it must be used in its original format. Contact the choreographers with your questions: brenshatto@yahoo.com; barbara.tobin@yahoo.com August 5, 2020