Dance begins after 4 counts No Tags or Restarts
FW rock, Side rock, Behind, Side, Cross, FW rock, Side rock, Behind, Side, Cross
1&2&Rock right forward, Recover left, Rock Right to the side, Recover left
3&4Step right behind, Step left, Cross right foot over
5&6&Rock left forward, Recover right, Rock left to the side, Recover right
7&8Step left behind, Step right, Cross left foot over
Right bump step, Left bump step, Right bump step, bump 1/2 step, Left coaster step
1&2Step right, bump right-left step
3&4Step left, bump left-right step
5&6Touch right foot (weight still on left foot) while turning a half turn bump right-left (weight landing on right foot)
7&8Left back, Right together, Left forward
Right kick ball change, Right kick ball change, Jazz box 1/4 turn to the right
1&2Step left, kick right step, step left
3&4Step left, kick right step, step left
5,6,7,8,Cross right, back left, step 1/4 right, step left together
Right 'C' bumps, Right 'C' bumps, Left 'C' bumps, Left 'C' bumps
1&2&3&4Bump right hip up, Bump right hip down
5&6&7&8Bump left hip up, Bump left hip down
Contact: mtorrefr12@hotmail.ca
FW rock, Side rock, Behind, Side, Cross, FW rock, Side rock, Behind, Side, Cross
1&2&Rock right forward, Recover left, Rock Right to the side, Recover left
3&4Step right behind, Step left, Cross right foot over
5&6&Rock left forward, Recover right, Rock left to the side, Recover right
7&8Step left behind, Step right, Cross left foot over
Right bump step, Left bump step, Right bump step, bump 1/2 step, Left coaster step
1&2Step right, bump right-left step
3&4Step left, bump left-right step
5&6Touch right foot (weight still on left foot) while turning a half turn bump right-left (weight landing on right foot)
7&8Left back, Right together, Left forward
Right kick ball change, Right kick ball change, Jazz box 1/4 turn to the right
1&2Step left, kick right step, step left
3&4Step left, kick right step, step left
5,6,7,8,Cross right, back left, step 1/4 right, step left together
Right 'C' bumps, Right 'C' bumps, Left 'C' bumps, Left 'C' bumps
1&2&3&4Bump right hip up, Bump right hip down
5&6&7&8Bump left hip up, Bump left hip down
Contact: mtorrefr12@hotmail.ca