Starts with our Right Foot.
S1: Dorothy Steps (R/L), Rocking Chair
12&RF step forward diagonal, LF lock behind RF, RF step forward diagonal,
34&LF step forward diagonal, RF lock behind LF, LF step forward diagonal,
5678RF rock forward, LF recover, RF rock back, LF recover
S2: Weave with point (R/L)
1234RF cross in front LF, LF side, RF cross behind LF, LF point to the side,
5678LF cross in front RF, RF side, LF cross behind RF, RF point to the side.
S3: ¼ R-turn Heel Grind, Coaster step, Heel Stompx2, forward lock-step
12RF touch heel forward, grind heel while LF step back making ¼ R-turn(3:00),
3&4 56RF step back, LF together, RF forward, stomp left’s heel slightly forward twice,
7&8LF step forward, RF lock behind LF, LF forward
S4: ½ R- Monterey Turn, Rocking chair
1234RF point to the side, RF close make ½ R-turn (9:00), LF point to the side, LF close,
5678RF rock forward, LF recover, RF rock back, LF recover
Restart: Wall 5 at 12:00 (dance up to 24counts), restart at 3:00
Keep Active! Keep Dancing!
S1: Dorothy Steps (R/L), Rocking Chair
12&RF step forward diagonal, LF lock behind RF, RF step forward diagonal,
34&LF step forward diagonal, RF lock behind LF, LF step forward diagonal,
5678RF rock forward, LF recover, RF rock back, LF recover
S2: Weave with point (R/L)
1234RF cross in front LF, LF side, RF cross behind LF, LF point to the side,
5678LF cross in front RF, RF side, LF cross behind RF, RF point to the side.
S3: ¼ R-turn Heel Grind, Coaster step, Heel Stompx2, forward lock-step
12RF touch heel forward, grind heel while LF step back making ¼ R-turn(3:00),
3&4 56RF step back, LF together, RF forward, stomp left’s heel slightly forward twice,
7&8LF step forward, RF lock behind LF, LF forward
S4: ½ R- Monterey Turn, Rocking chair
1234RF point to the side, RF close make ½ R-turn (9:00), LF point to the side, LF close,
5678RF rock forward, LF recover, RF rock back, LF recover
Restart: Wall 5 at 12:00 (dance up to 24counts), restart at 3:00
Keep Active! Keep Dancing!