CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Fit for a Queen

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Lucy Cooper (UK) - July 2020
Kings & Queens - Ava Max
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Note: This is actually a 2 wall dance, however due to the restarts it turns to the other 2 walls briefly, which is why it is classed as a 4 wall dance.

Intro: 32 Counts

Side, Together, Chasse Right, Cross, Full Unwind R, Chasse Left
1 2Step right to side, bring left together
3&4Step right to side, step left together, step right to side
5 6Cross left over right, unwind full turn right (ending with weight on right)
7&8Step left side, step right together, step left side

Back with knee pop, Recover, Side Rock, Recover, Cross, Back 1/8 R, Kick-ball-cross turning 1/8 R
1 2(Facing right diagonal) Rock back on the right popping the left knee, recover onto left
3 4Rock right to right side, (straightening up to 12.00) recover onto left
5 6Cross right over left, step left back turning 1/8 right (1.30)
7&8Kick right forward, ball step right slightly to side turning 1/8 right, cross left over right (3.00)
Restart here on wall 3, starting the dance again at 3.00

Side Rock, Recover, Cross, Point, Cross, Point, Forward Rock, Recover
1 2Rock right to right side, recover onto left
3 4Cross right over left, point left out to left side
5 6Cross left over right, point right out to right side
7 8Rock forward on right, recover onto left

Full Turn R, Back, Hook, Forward, Touch, Side, Touch, Side, Touch
1 2Step right forward turning ½ right, step left back turning ½ right (3.00)
3 4Step right back, hook left across right
5 6&Step left slightly forward, touch right beside left, step right to side
7&8Touch left beside right, step left to side, touch right beside left
TAG: 4 count tag, then restart here on wall 5

Side, Together, Forward mambo, Left Out, Heel tap, Side Rock, Flick
1 2Step right to side, bring left together,
3&4Rock right forward, recover onto left, step right together,
5 6Step left to side (keeping weight on right), tap left heel (placing weight onto left after)
7 8Rock right to right side, recover onto left flicking right

Cross, Side, Sailor Step, Cross, Hinge Turn ½ L, Side, Touch
1 2Cross right over left, step left to side
3 4Cross right behind left, step left to side, step right to side
5 6Cross left over right, step right back turning ¼ left,
7 8Step left to side turning ¼ left, touch beside left (9.00)

Side rock, Sailor Step, Back Rock, ¾ Turn R
1 2Rock right to right side, recover onto left
3&4Cross right behind left, step left to side, step right to side
5 6Rock back on left, recover onto right
7 8Step left to side turning ¼ right, step right to side turning ½ right (6.00)

Cross, Hold, Side Rock Cross, Side Rock, Behind Side Cross
1 2Cross left over right, hold
3&4Rock right to side, recover onto left, cross right over left
5 6Rock left to side, recover onto right
7&8Cross left behind right, step right to side, cross left over right

Restarts and Tag
Wall 3 (12:00) — Dance first 16 counts. Restart dance facing 3.00
Wall 5 (9.00) — Dance first 32 counts, 4 count tag, then restart at 12.00

TAG: 4 Count Tag: V step
1 2Step right out to right diagonal, step left out to left diagonal,
3 4Bring right back in, bring left back in

Optional ending
Instead of the ‘Behind Side Cross’ at the end, step left to side turning ½ left and strike your finishing pose!

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