Improver / Intermediate
Intro: 16 counts (start on vocals)
Section 1: Rock L forward, recover, step L, hold, Rock R back, recover, step R, hold
1Rock L forward
2Recover R
3Step L to left
5Rock R back
6Recover L
7Bring R to right
Section 2: ½L-turn, with L crossed over R, stepping forward with hold, ½R-turn, with R crossed over L, stepping forward with hold
1Cross L over (& close to) R
2½L-turn, recover R (6:00)
3Step L forward
5Cross R over (& close to) L
6½R-turn, recover L (12:00)
7Step R forward
Section 3: Cross rock L over R, recover, open, hold, Cross rock R over L, recover, open, hold
1Rock L over R
2Recover R
3Step L left
5Rock R over L
6Recover L
7Step R right
Section 4: L & R Side-close-side-hold :: Optional: L& R Cuban rocks
1Recover L :: 1 Rock L, with hip sway
2Close R to L :: 2 Recover R, with hip sway
3Step L left :: 3 Recover L, with hip sway
4Hold & settle L-hip :: 4 Hold and settle hip to left
5Recover R :: 5 Rock R, with hip sway
6Close L to R :: 6 Recover L, with hip sway
7Step R right :: 7 Recover R, with hip sway
8Hold & settle R-hip :: 8 Hold and settle hip to right
32c OPTIONAL Restart at Wall 3, facing 6:00
Section 5: Hand-to-hands
1¼L-turn, pivoting on R, rocking L back (9:00)
2Recover R
3¼R-turn, pivoting on R, stepping L left (12:00)
5¼R-turn, pivoting on L, rocking R back (3:00)
6Recover L
7¼L-turn, pivoting on L, stepping right R (12:00)
8Recover L
Section 6: Sliding Doors
1Rock R back
2Recover L
3¼L-turn, R-toes pointing in front of L, R-knee bent (9:00)
4¼R-turn, swivelling on R, bringing L to left of R (12:00),
5Rock L
6Recover R
7Rock L back
Section 7: Repeat Section 6 - Sliding Doors
Section 8: Coaster with ½R-turn into a ¼L-turn (3:00)
1Close R to L
2Recover R
3Step L forward
5½R-turn, swivelling on L, rocking back on R (6:00)
6Recover L
7¼L-turn, bringing R right (3:00)
With Restart:
Wall 1 facing 12:00 Verses 1 & 2
Wall 2 facing 3:00 Verse 3
Wall 3 facing 6:00 Short wall with a 32c Restart Music interlude (No vocals)
Wall 4 facing 6:00 Verse 3
Without Restart:
Wall 1 facing 12:00 Verses 1 & 2
Wall 2 facing 3:00 Verse 3
Wall 3 facing 6:00 Music interlude + 1st-half of Verse 3
Wall 4 facing 9:00 2nd-half of Verse 3
Contact: ch@tqmconsultancy.com
Section 1: Rock L forward, recover, step L, hold, Rock R back, recover, step R, hold
1Rock L forward
2Recover R
3Step L to left
5Rock R back
6Recover L
7Bring R to right
Section 2: ½L-turn, with L crossed over R, stepping forward with hold, ½R-turn, with R crossed over L, stepping forward with hold
1Cross L over (& close to) R
2½L-turn, recover R (6:00)
3Step L forward
5Cross R over (& close to) L
6½R-turn, recover L (12:00)
7Step R forward
Section 3: Cross rock L over R, recover, open, hold, Cross rock R over L, recover, open, hold
1Rock L over R
2Recover R
3Step L left
5Rock R over L
6Recover L
7Step R right
Section 4: L & R Side-close-side-hold :: Optional: L& R Cuban rocks
1Recover L :: 1 Rock L, with hip sway
2Close R to L :: 2 Recover R, with hip sway
3Step L left :: 3 Recover L, with hip sway
4Hold & settle L-hip :: 4 Hold and settle hip to left
5Recover R :: 5 Rock R, with hip sway
6Close L to R :: 6 Recover L, with hip sway
7Step R right :: 7 Recover R, with hip sway
8Hold & settle R-hip :: 8 Hold and settle hip to right
32c OPTIONAL Restart at Wall 3, facing 6:00
Section 5: Hand-to-hands
1¼L-turn, pivoting on R, rocking L back (9:00)
2Recover R
3¼R-turn, pivoting on R, stepping L left (12:00)
5¼R-turn, pivoting on L, rocking R back (3:00)
6Recover L
7¼L-turn, pivoting on L, stepping right R (12:00)
8Recover L
Section 6: Sliding Doors
1Rock R back
2Recover L
3¼L-turn, R-toes pointing in front of L, R-knee bent (9:00)
4¼R-turn, swivelling on R, bringing L to left of R (12:00),
5Rock L
6Recover R
7Rock L back
Section 7: Repeat Section 6 - Sliding Doors
Section 8: Coaster with ½R-turn into a ¼L-turn (3:00)
1Close R to L
2Recover R
3Step L forward
5½R-turn, swivelling on L, rocking back on R (6:00)
6Recover L
7¼L-turn, bringing R right (3:00)
With Restart:
Wall 1 facing 12:00 Verses 1 & 2
Wall 2 facing 3:00 Verse 3
Wall 3 facing 6:00 Short wall with a 32c Restart Music interlude (No vocals)
Wall 4 facing 6:00 Verse 3
Without Restart:
Wall 1 facing 12:00 Verses 1 & 2
Wall 2 facing 3:00 Verse 3
Wall 3 facing 6:00 Music interlude + 1st-half of Verse 3
Wall 4 facing 9:00 2nd-half of Verse 3
Contact: ch@tqmconsultancy.com