(16 count intro)
[S1] Cross, Side Rock, Cross Samba, Behind-1/4L-Fwd Rock-1/2R-1/4R Scuff-Side
1 2&Cross R over L, Rock L to the side, Recover weight on R
3&4Cross L over R, Step R to the side, Recover weight on L
5&Step R behind L, Make a 1/4 turn left stepping forward on L (9:00)
6&Rock forward on R, Recover weight on L (prep for right turn)
7&8Make a 1/2 turn right stepping forward on R, Make a 1/4 turn right on ball of R and scuff left foot, Step L to the side (6:00)
[S2] Push Rocks (Rock, Recover, Rock-Recover-Fwd), Push Rocks w/ Hop Turn 1/2R
1 2Slightly face to the left side- Push/step forward on R, Recover weight on L
3&4Rock forward on R, Recover weight on L, Step forward on R
5 6Slightly face to the right side- Push/step forward on L, Recover weight on R
7&Step forward on L, Make a 1/2 turn right slightly hoping on L
8&Step forward on R, Slightly hop on R in place** (12:00)
[S3] Knee Pop Turn, Quick Pivot 1/2R, Fwd-Together- Coaster Step
1 2Step forward on L and pop your right knee forward, Make a 1/4 turn right stepping forward on R and pop your left knee forward (3:00)
3 4Step forward on L and pop your right knee forward, Make a 1/4 turn lest stepping forward on R and pop your left knee forward (12:00)
5&Step forward on L, Make a 1/2 turn left recover weight on R (6:00)
6&Step forward on L, Step R together
7&8Step back on L, Step R next to L, Step forward on L
[S4] Side Point-1/4R Cross Hook, Side-Heel-Side-Heel-Ball, Heel, Push, Recover-Behind-1/4R Fwd
1 2Point R to the side, Make a 1/4 turn right on ball of left foot and cross touch R over L (9:00)
&3&4Step R to the side, Step diagonally forward on L heel, Step L to the side, Step diagonally forward on R heel
&5 6Ball step on R in place, Step forward on L heel, Push L toe down
7&8Recover weight on R, Step L behind R, Make a 1/4 turn right stepping forward on R (12:00)
[S5] Step-Pivot 1/2R, Chase Turn Fwd (Rock), Recover, 1/2L, 1/2 Shuffle Back
1 2Step forward on L, Make a 1/2 turn right recover weight on R
3&4Step forward on L, Make a 1/2 turn right recover weight on R, Rock forward on L
5 6Recover weight on R, Make a 1/2 turn left stepping forward on L
7&8Make a 1/2 turn left shuffle back R-L-R (12:00)
[S6] 1/4L Shuffle Side, 1/4L, Touch, Side Rock into Syncopated Weave R
1&2Make a 1/4 turn left shuffle to the side L-R-L (9:00)
3 4Make a 1/4 turn left stepping R to the side, Drag and touch L close to R (6:00)
5&Rock L to the side, Recover weight on R
6&7&8Cross L over R, Step R to the side, Step L behind R, Step R to the side, Cross L over R**
[S7] Side Rock into Syncopated Weave 1/4L-Pivot 3/4L-Side, Rocking Chair, Fwd
1&2&Rock R to the side, Recover weight on L, Cross R over L, Step L to the side
3&Step R behind L, Make a 1/4 turn left stepping forward on L (3:00)
4&5Step forward on R, Make a 3/4 turn left recover weight on L, Step R to the side (6:00)
6&Rock forward on L, Recover weight on R
7&8Rock back on L, Recover weight on R, Step forward on L
[S8] Paddle Turn, Cross Shuffle Side Shuffle, Back Hop, 1/4R Back Hop
1 2Step forward on R, Make a 1/4 turn left recover weight on L
3&4Cross R over L, Step L close to R, Cross R over L
5&6Side shuffle to the left L-R-L
7&Step back on R, Hop R on the spot
8&Make a 1/4 turn right stepping back on L, Hop L on the spot (6:00)
Restart on Wall 1 count 16** (12:00) + 4 count Tag- Left semicircle turn/ Walk L (1), Walk R (2), Shuffle to 6:00 o’clock L-R-L (3&4) (6:00)
Restart on Wall 3 count 48 (6:00)
Ending: Dance up to Section 7 count 3&, then make a 1/4 turn left stepping R to the side (12:00)
Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information. (hirokoclinedancing@gmail.com)
(updated: 15/July/20)
[S1] Cross, Side Rock, Cross Samba, Behind-1/4L-Fwd Rock-1/2R-1/4R Scuff-Side
1 2&Cross R over L, Rock L to the side, Recover weight on R
3&4Cross L over R, Step R to the side, Recover weight on L
5&Step R behind L, Make a 1/4 turn left stepping forward on L (9:00)
6&Rock forward on R, Recover weight on L (prep for right turn)
7&8Make a 1/2 turn right stepping forward on R, Make a 1/4 turn right on ball of R and scuff left foot, Step L to the side (6:00)
[S2] Push Rocks (Rock, Recover, Rock-Recover-Fwd), Push Rocks w/ Hop Turn 1/2R
1 2Slightly face to the left side- Push/step forward on R, Recover weight on L
3&4Rock forward on R, Recover weight on L, Step forward on R
5 6Slightly face to the right side- Push/step forward on L, Recover weight on R
7&Step forward on L, Make a 1/2 turn right slightly hoping on L
8&Step forward on R, Slightly hop on R in place** (12:00)
[S3] Knee Pop Turn, Quick Pivot 1/2R, Fwd-Together- Coaster Step
1 2Step forward on L and pop your right knee forward, Make a 1/4 turn right stepping forward on R and pop your left knee forward (3:00)
3 4Step forward on L and pop your right knee forward, Make a 1/4 turn lest stepping forward on R and pop your left knee forward (12:00)
5&Step forward on L, Make a 1/2 turn left recover weight on R (6:00)
6&Step forward on L, Step R together
7&8Step back on L, Step R next to L, Step forward on L
[S4] Side Point-1/4R Cross Hook, Side-Heel-Side-Heel-Ball, Heel, Push, Recover-Behind-1/4R Fwd
1 2Point R to the side, Make a 1/4 turn right on ball of left foot and cross touch R over L (9:00)
&3&4Step R to the side, Step diagonally forward on L heel, Step L to the side, Step diagonally forward on R heel
&5 6Ball step on R in place, Step forward on L heel, Push L toe down
7&8Recover weight on R, Step L behind R, Make a 1/4 turn right stepping forward on R (12:00)
[S5] Step-Pivot 1/2R, Chase Turn Fwd (Rock), Recover, 1/2L, 1/2 Shuffle Back
1 2Step forward on L, Make a 1/2 turn right recover weight on R
3&4Step forward on L, Make a 1/2 turn right recover weight on R, Rock forward on L
5 6Recover weight on R, Make a 1/2 turn left stepping forward on L
7&8Make a 1/2 turn left shuffle back R-L-R (12:00)
[S6] 1/4L Shuffle Side, 1/4L, Touch, Side Rock into Syncopated Weave R
1&2Make a 1/4 turn left shuffle to the side L-R-L (9:00)
3 4Make a 1/4 turn left stepping R to the side, Drag and touch L close to R (6:00)
5&Rock L to the side, Recover weight on R
6&7&8Cross L over R, Step R to the side, Step L behind R, Step R to the side, Cross L over R**
[S7] Side Rock into Syncopated Weave 1/4L-Pivot 3/4L-Side, Rocking Chair, Fwd
1&2&Rock R to the side, Recover weight on L, Cross R over L, Step L to the side
3&Step R behind L, Make a 1/4 turn left stepping forward on L (3:00)
4&5Step forward on R, Make a 3/4 turn left recover weight on L, Step R to the side (6:00)
6&Rock forward on L, Recover weight on R
7&8Rock back on L, Recover weight on R, Step forward on L
[S8] Paddle Turn, Cross Shuffle Side Shuffle, Back Hop, 1/4R Back Hop
1 2Step forward on R, Make a 1/4 turn left recover weight on L
3&4Cross R over L, Step L close to R, Cross R over L
5&6Side shuffle to the left L-R-L
7&Step back on R, Hop R on the spot
8&Make a 1/4 turn right stepping back on L, Hop L on the spot (6:00)
Restart on Wall 1 count 16** (12:00) + 4 count Tag- Left semicircle turn/ Walk L (1), Walk R (2), Shuffle to 6:00 o’clock L-R-L (3&4) (6:00)
Restart on Wall 3 count 48 (6:00)
Ending: Dance up to Section 7 count 3&, then make a 1/4 turn left stepping R to the side (12:00)
Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information. (hirokoclinedancing@gmail.com)
(updated: 15/July/20)