High Beginner
Facing 12:00 - Weight starts on Left Foot
Forward Sweeps, Weight Changes
1 -Sweep Right foot over Left
2 -Sweep Left foot over Right
3 -Sweep Right foot over Left
4 -Sweep Left foot over Right
5 -Sweep Right foot over Left
6 -Shift weight back to Left
7 -Shift weight forward to Right
8 -Shift weight back to Left
Facing 12:00
Back Sweeps, Weight Changes
1 -Sweep Right foot behind Left
2 -Sweep Left foot behind Right
3 -Sweep Right foot behind Left
4 -Sweep Left foot behind Right
5 -Sweep Right foot behind Left
6 -Shift weight forward to Left
7 -Shift weight back to Right
8 -Shift weight forward to Left
Facing 12:00
Jazz Box ¼ Turn Right, Weight Changes (Side Sways)
1 -Cross Right foot over Left
2 -Step back with Left Foot
3 -Step to Right with Right Foot making a ¼ turn Right
4 -Step to side with Left Foot (feet should be about 18 inches apart)
5 -Shift weight to Right
6 -Shift weight to Left
7 -Shift weight to Right
8 -Shift weight to Left
Facing 3:00
Step Box, Weight Changes (Side Sways)
1 -Shift weight to Right
2 -Sweep Left Back Making back ¼ turn Left Facing 12:00
(feet should be side by side about 18 inches apart)
3 -Sweep Right Forward Making back ¼ turn Left Facing 9:00
(feet should be side by side about 18 inches apart)
4 -Sweep Left Back Making back ¼ turn Left Facing 6:00
(feet should be side by side about 18 inches apart)
5 -Sweep Right Forward Making back ¼ turn Left Facing 3:00
(feet should be side by side about 18 inches apart)
6 -Shift weight to Left
7 -Shift weight to Right
8 -Shift weight to Left
Forward Sweeps, Weight Changes
1 -Sweep Right foot over Left
2 -Sweep Left foot over Right
3 -Sweep Right foot over Left
4 -Sweep Left foot over Right
5 -Sweep Right foot over Left
6 -Shift weight back to Left
7 -Shift weight forward to Right
8 -Shift weight back to Left
Facing 12:00
Back Sweeps, Weight Changes
1 -Sweep Right foot behind Left
2 -Sweep Left foot behind Right
3 -Sweep Right foot behind Left
4 -Sweep Left foot behind Right
5 -Sweep Right foot behind Left
6 -Shift weight forward to Left
7 -Shift weight back to Right
8 -Shift weight forward to Left
Facing 12:00
Jazz Box ¼ Turn Right, Weight Changes (Side Sways)
1 -Cross Right foot over Left
2 -Step back with Left Foot
3 -Step to Right with Right Foot making a ¼ turn Right
4 -Step to side with Left Foot (feet should be about 18 inches apart)
5 -Shift weight to Right
6 -Shift weight to Left
7 -Shift weight to Right
8 -Shift weight to Left
Facing 3:00
Step Box, Weight Changes (Side Sways)
1 -Shift weight to Right
2 -Sweep Left Back Making back ¼ turn Left Facing 12:00
(feet should be side by side about 18 inches apart)
3 -Sweep Right Forward Making back ¼ turn Left Facing 9:00
(feet should be side by side about 18 inches apart)
4 -Sweep Left Back Making back ¼ turn Left Facing 6:00
(feet should be side by side about 18 inches apart)
5 -Sweep Right Forward Making back ¼ turn Left Facing 3:00
(feet should be side by side about 18 inches apart)
6 -Shift weight to Left
7 -Shift weight to Right
8 -Shift weight to Left