CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Wrong Enough to Know

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M. Vasquez (UK) - June 2020
Wrong Enough to Know - Clay Walker
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Dance starts on main vocal. 1 Tag and Restart on Wall 5

Section 1: Heel Dig, Hook, Heel Dig, Together, Back, Hook, Forward, Touch
1-4Touch R heel forward to the R diagonal, bring R heel up to L knee, touch R heel forward to the R diagonal, step together
5-8Step back on L foot, bring R heel up to L knee, step forward on R foot, touch L toe next to R foot

Section 2: Heel Dig, Hook, Heel Dig, Together, Grapevine Turn ¼ R, Kick L Forward
9-12Touch L heel forward to the L diagonal, bring L heel up to R knee, touch L heel forward to the L diagonal, step together
13-16Step R foot to R side, cross L foot behind R, turn ¼ R and step R foot forward, kick L foot forward

Section 3: Step Back L, Step Back R, Step Back L & Ball-Change, ¼ Monterey Turn R
17-18Step back on L foot, step back on R foot
19&20Step back on L foot, step onto ball of R foot, step and change weight onto L foot
21-22Touch R toe to R side, keeping weight on L foot, turn ¼ turn R, stepping R foot next to L, taking the weight onto R foot
23-24Touch L toe to L side, step L foot next to R

Section 4: Travelling Swivels, Touch, V-Step
25-28Taking weight on the balls of both feet, swivel both heels to the L side, taking weight on the heels of both feet, swivel both toes to L side, taking weight on the balls of both feet, swivel both heels to L to return to centre, touch R toe next to L foot
29-32Step diagonally forward with R foot to R side, step diagonally forward with L foot to L side, step back with R foot, step back with L foot taking weight onto L foot

Tag and Restart: Wall 5: Complete counts 1-12 then complete Tag and Restart
Tag: Step R foot to R side, touch L next to R foot. Step L foot to L side touch R toe next to L and Restart.


1 评论

It's A Dogs Life July 8, 2020
Love this dance - great progression for beginners with easy tag and restart

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