Beginner / Improver
This dance is dedicated to Clelia Adams with her awesome voice!
This dance is also dedicated to all women in the world diagnosed with breast cancer, like myself!
Intro 16 counts
S1: Walk, walk, sweep + touch forward, sweep + step back r+l+r, sailor ¼ turn l
1-2Step right forward, step left forward
3-4Sweep and touch right forward, sweep and step right back
5-6Sweep and step left back, sweep and step right back
7&8Cross left behind right, ¼ turn to the left and step right to right side, step left to left side 9:00
S2: Mambo forward, coaster step, step, ½ turn l, step, 3 x run l-r-l
1&2Rock right forward, recover on left, step right back
3&4Step left back, step right beside left, step left forward
5&6Step right forward, ½ turn to the left (weight is on the left), step right forward 3:00
7&8Run-run-run (left-right-left)
S3: Step lock step r + l, cross mambo r + l
1&2Step right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward
3&4Step left forward, lock right behind left, step left forward
5&6Cross right over left, recover on left, step right to right side
7&8Cross left over right, recover on right, step left to left side
S4: Vaudeville r + l (travelling back), mambo step, coaster step
1&2&Cross right over left, step left back, touch right heel forward, step right (slightly) back
3&4&Cross left over right, step right back, touch left heel forward, step left beside right
5&6Rock right forward, recover on left, step back right
7&8Step left back, step right beside left, step left forward **
** Easy 2 count tag end of wall 2 (6:00) and end of wall 5 (3:00)
Tag: Walk, clap, walk, clap
1&2&Step right forward, clap hands, step left forward, clap hands
Start again and enjoy!
Contact: dancingedelweiss@bluewin.ch
This dance is also dedicated to all women in the world diagnosed with breast cancer, like myself!
Intro 16 counts
S1: Walk, walk, sweep + touch forward, sweep + step back r+l+r, sailor ¼ turn l
1-2Step right forward, step left forward
3-4Sweep and touch right forward, sweep and step right back
5-6Sweep and step left back, sweep and step right back
7&8Cross left behind right, ¼ turn to the left and step right to right side, step left to left side 9:00
S2: Mambo forward, coaster step, step, ½ turn l, step, 3 x run l-r-l
1&2Rock right forward, recover on left, step right back
3&4Step left back, step right beside left, step left forward
5&6Step right forward, ½ turn to the left (weight is on the left), step right forward 3:00
7&8Run-run-run (left-right-left)
S3: Step lock step r + l, cross mambo r + l
1&2Step right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward
3&4Step left forward, lock right behind left, step left forward
5&6Cross right over left, recover on left, step right to right side
7&8Cross left over right, recover on right, step left to left side
S4: Vaudeville r + l (travelling back), mambo step, coaster step
1&2&Cross right over left, step left back, touch right heel forward, step right (slightly) back
3&4&Cross left over right, step right back, touch left heel forward, step left beside right
5&6Rock right forward, recover on left, step back right
7&8Step left back, step right beside left, step left forward **
** Easy 2 count tag end of wall 2 (6:00) and end of wall 5 (3:00)
Tag: Walk, clap, walk, clap
1&2&Step right forward, clap hands, step left forward, clap hands
Start again and enjoy!
Contact: dancingedelweiss@bluewin.ch