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Head Above Water

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Phrased Advanced
David Ackerman (USA) - June 2020
Head Above Water (feat. We the Kings) - Avril Lavigne
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Sequence: AABC ABCC BB(Restart after 14 counts) BBCC
Intro: Start dance after 7 counts

Note: The verse of the song is in 7 count phrasing (A sections) while the rest of the song is in 8 count phrasing.

A1: L fwd Rock, Back Sweep L, Back Hitch R, Behind-Side-Cross, L Side, ¼ turn R, ½ turn R
1 2 3Rock L forward, Recover weight R as you sweep L from front to back, Step L back as you hitch R up bring foot behind L
4&5Cross R behind L, Step L to left side, Cross R over L
6 7&Step L to left side, Make a ¼ turn right stepping R forward (3:00), Make. ½ turn right stepping L back (9:00)

A2: ½ turn R, Modified Fallaway, Sway RL, Side R, Cross
1 2&Make ½ turn right stepping R forward (3:00), Step L forward, Make ⅛ turn left stepping R to right side (1:30)
3 4&Step L back, Step R back, Make ¼ turn left stepping L to left side (10:30)
5 6Make ⅜ turn left stepping R to right side (6:00), Recover weight L swaying body
7&Recover weight R, Cross L over R

A3: ¼ turn R, ½ turn R on toe, Run RL, Fwd Rock R, ¼ Rock Turn R
1 2Make ¼ turn right stepping R forward (9:00), Make ½ turn right stepping L back and coming up onto the ball of the foot while raising R in front slightly (3:00)
3&4Step R forward, Step L forward, Rock R forward
5 6 7Recover weight L, Make ¼ turn right stepping R to right side (6:00), Recover weight L

A4: Cross Rock R, Cross Rock L, Cross, Full Unwind, Run LR
1&2Cross R over L, Recover weight L, Step R to right side
3&4Cross L over R, Recover weight R, Step L to left side
5 6Cross R over L, Unwind a full turn keeping weight R
7&Step L forward, Step R forward

B1: Fwd L, ½ turn L, Full turn R, Rock Fwd R, Kick, L Coaster w/ Sweep
1 2Step L forward, Make ½ turn left as you pull the R leg under you (6:00)
3&4Step R forward, Make ½ turn right stepping L back (12:00), Make ½ turn right stepping R forward (6:00)
5 6Step L forward bending the L knee, Push off L leg stepping back R with a small kick forward from L
7&8Step L back, Step R next to L, Step L forward sweeping R from back to front

B2: Cross-Side-Together, ½ turn L, Point L Side, Sailor w/ Rock, L Fwd, ½ Pivot R, R Fwd
1&2Cross R over L, Step L to left side, Step R next to left angling the body slightly right (7:30)
3&4Step L forward, Make ¼ turn left stepping R back (3:00), Make ¼ turn left tapping L toe to left side (12:00)
5&6&Step L behind R, Step R to right side, Step L to left side, Recover weight R
*Restart happens here during the 4th B section of the dance (2nd B in a row) after 14 counts. You will start the B section again by stepping L forward for 1.
7 8&Step L forward, Make ½ turn right keeping weight on L (6:00), Step R forward

C1: Front Rock, Side Rock, Back Sweep, Behind, ¼ turn L, Rocking Chair, 1 ¼ turn L, Run LR
1&2&Rock L forward, Recover weight R, Rock L to left side, Recover weight R
3 4&Step L back while sweeping R from front to back, Step R behind L, Make ¼ turn left stepping L forward (9:00)
5&6&Rock R forward, Recover weight L, Rock R back, Recover weight L
7 8&Make a 1 ¼ turn left stepping R forward (6:00), Step L forward, Step R forward (Note: use the last two steps to square up if you don’t make the turn)



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