Sec 1 Side, rock recover, side, behind turn step, step turn step, turn, turn, lunge.
1-2&3Step right to right side, rock left behind, recover to right, step left to left.
4&5Cross right behind left, turn 1/8 left stepping forward left, forward right. (10.30)
6&7Step forward left, ½ turn right stepping forward right, forward left. (4.30)
8&1Turn ½ left stepping back on right, turn ½ left stepping forward on left, press forward on right.
Sec 2 Back lock back, sweep behind, turn step, step turn cross, chasse ¼ turn.
2&3Step back left, lock right in front, step back left.
4&5Sweep right around step right behind left, turn 1/8 left step forward left, forward right. (3.00)
6&7Step forward left, pivot ¼ right, cross left over right. (6.00)
8&1Step right to right, left together, turn ¼ right step forward right. (9.00)
Sec 3 Rock recover, rock back recover, step turn step, side together forward, side together back.
2&3&Rock forward left, recover to right, rock back left, recover to right.
4&5Step forward left, turn ½ right step forward right, forward left. (3.00)
6&7Step right to right, left together, forward right.
8&1Step left to left, right together, back left.
Sec 4 Sweep back right, sweep back left, sweep back right into a right coaster step, step lock step, cross rock recover, side.
2-3Sweep back right, sweep back left,
4&5Sweep right around stepping back right, left together, forward right.
6&7Step forward left, lock right behind, forward left.
8&1Cross rock right over left, recover to left, step right to right. (3.00)
Sec 5 Sailor ¼ turn, mambo step, coaster step, step turn step.
2&3Turn ¼ left stepping left behind right, recover to right, step left to left. (12.00)
4&5Rock forward right, recover to left, step right next to left.
6&7Rock back left, right together, forward left.
8&1Step forward right, turn ½ left stepping forward left, forward right. (6.00)
Sec 6 Side rock step, side rock step, rock recover back sweep, behind recover.
2&3Rock left to left, recover to right, forward left.
4&5Rock right to right, recover to left, forward right.
6&7Rock forward left, recover to right, long step back on left.
8&(1) Sweep right around stepping behind left, recover to left. (Begin again stepping to right) (6.00)
Tag end of wall 2. Step, step turn step, shuffle forward, step turn step, cross rock recover.
1-2&3Step forward right, forward left, turn ½ right step on right, step forward left.
4&5Step forward right, left together, forward right.
6&7Step forward left, turn ½ right step on right, forward left.
8&(1) Cross rock right over left, recover to left. (Begin again stepping right to right facing 12.00)
The music slows at the end just slow down with it to finish with the ¼ sailor facing the front.
Contact: heelanjohnl@gmail.com
1-2&3Step right to right side, rock left behind, recover to right, step left to left.
4&5Cross right behind left, turn 1/8 left stepping forward left, forward right. (10.30)
6&7Step forward left, ½ turn right stepping forward right, forward left. (4.30)
8&1Turn ½ left stepping back on right, turn ½ left stepping forward on left, press forward on right.
Sec 2 Back lock back, sweep behind, turn step, step turn cross, chasse ¼ turn.
2&3Step back left, lock right in front, step back left.
4&5Sweep right around step right behind left, turn 1/8 left step forward left, forward right. (3.00)
6&7Step forward left, pivot ¼ right, cross left over right. (6.00)
8&1Step right to right, left together, turn ¼ right step forward right. (9.00)
Sec 3 Rock recover, rock back recover, step turn step, side together forward, side together back.
2&3&Rock forward left, recover to right, rock back left, recover to right.
4&5Step forward left, turn ½ right step forward right, forward left. (3.00)
6&7Step right to right, left together, forward right.
8&1Step left to left, right together, back left.
Sec 4 Sweep back right, sweep back left, sweep back right into a right coaster step, step lock step, cross rock recover, side.
2-3Sweep back right, sweep back left,
4&5Sweep right around stepping back right, left together, forward right.
6&7Step forward left, lock right behind, forward left.
8&1Cross rock right over left, recover to left, step right to right. (3.00)
Sec 5 Sailor ¼ turn, mambo step, coaster step, step turn step.
2&3Turn ¼ left stepping left behind right, recover to right, step left to left. (12.00)
4&5Rock forward right, recover to left, step right next to left.
6&7Rock back left, right together, forward left.
8&1Step forward right, turn ½ left stepping forward left, forward right. (6.00)
Sec 6 Side rock step, side rock step, rock recover back sweep, behind recover.
2&3Rock left to left, recover to right, forward left.
4&5Rock right to right, recover to left, forward right.
6&7Rock forward left, recover to right, long step back on left.
8&(1) Sweep right around stepping behind left, recover to left. (Begin again stepping to right) (6.00)
Tag end of wall 2. Step, step turn step, shuffle forward, step turn step, cross rock recover.
1-2&3Step forward right, forward left, turn ½ right step on right, step forward left.
4&5Step forward right, left together, forward right.
6&7Step forward left, turn ½ right step on right, forward left.
8&(1) Cross rock right over left, recover to left. (Begin again stepping right to right facing 12.00)
The music slows at the end just slow down with it to finish with the ¼ sailor facing the front.
Contact: heelanjohnl@gmail.com