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Forever a Star

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Blaire Morgan (UK) - May 2020
Forever a Star (feat. Laura White) - Tulecco : (from the film 4 Kids and it)
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#16 count intro, start on vocal.

Section 1: Right samba step, Left samba step, step, ball step, ball step, together making ½ turn Right.
1&2Cross Right over Left, step Left to Left side, Step forward Right
3&4Cross Left over Right, step Right to Right side, Step forward Left
5&6&7-8make 1/8 turn Right stepping on Right, step Left together, make 1/8 turn Right stepping on Right, step Left together, make 1/4 turn Right stepping on Right, step Left together.

Section 2: Right side rock, recover, left side rock together, right jazz box.
1&2Rock Right foot out to Right side, recover weight, Left, Step Right foot together.
3&4Rock Left foot out to Left side, recover weight Right, Step Left foot together.
5-6-7-8Cross Right over Left, step back Left, step Right to Right side, Step Left beside Right
***** RESTART after 16 counts on wall 7, facing 6 o’clock. *****

Section 3: Step, ball step, ball step, ball Step making ¾ turn Right, Left Mambo forward, Right Mambo back.
1&2&3&4make 1/4 turn Right stepping on Right, step Left together, make 1/4 turn Right stepping on Right, step Left together, make 1/4 turn Right stepping on Right, step Left foot together, step forward Right.
5&6Rock forward on Left, recover weight Right, step Left foot together.
7&8Rock Back on Right, recover weight Left, step Right foot together.

Section 4: Left hip, ½ sit, right coaster step, Left Jazzbox ¼ turn touch
1&2Step on Left as you take your Left Hip Forward, Take Weight on to Right as you make a ¼ Right with a hip, make a ¼ turn Right take the weight back on to Left as you sit
3&4step back Right, step Left next to Right, step Right forward
5-6-7-8cross Left over Right, step back on Right, ¼ turn left stepping Left to Left side, Touch Right beside Left.

TAG. End of wall 3 facing 6 o’clock
Right samba step, Left samba step,
1&2Cross Right over Left, step Left to Left side, Step forward Right
3&4Cross Left over Right, step Right to Right side, Step forward Left

RESTART after 16 counts on wall 7, facing 6 o’clock.

Submitted by Dave Morgan:

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