Intro: 16 Counts.
Sec 1: Kick ball change, step, touch, touch, step turn step.
1&2-3Kick forward right, step on ball of right, step left together, step forward right.
4-5Touch left toe forward, touch left toe back.
6-7-8Step forward left, turn ½ right stepping on right, step forward left. (6.00)
Sec 2: Modified Figure 8
1-2-3Step right to right, left behind, turn ¼ right stepping forward right. (9.00)
4-5-6Step forward left, turn ½ right stepping on right, turn ¼ right stepping left to left. (6.00)
7-8Step right behind, turn ¼ left stepping forward left. (300)
Sec 3: Point hold, & point hold, & point touch, shuffle forward.
1-2Point right to right. Hold.
&3-4Step right next to left, point left to left. Hold.
&5-6Step left next to right, point right to right, touch right next to left.
7&8Step forward right, left together, step forward right. (3.00)
Sec 4: Step forward left, ½ turn right, full turn, rock recover, ball back, step.
1-2Step forward left, turn ½ right step forward right. (9.00)
3-4Turn ½ right, step back left, (3.00) turn ½ right step forward right. (9.00)
5-6Rock forward left, recover to right.
&7-8Step ball of left next to right, step back right, step left next to right. (9.00)
Restart: Wall 5 facing 12.00 dance first 8 counts and restart facing 6.00.
Tag: End of wall 12 facing 9.00 add 4 hips right, left right, left and start again.
Contact: heelanjohnl@gmail.com debbie.curran@ymail.com
Sec 1: Kick ball change, step, touch, touch, step turn step.
1&2-3Kick forward right, step on ball of right, step left together, step forward right.
4-5Touch left toe forward, touch left toe back.
6-7-8Step forward left, turn ½ right stepping on right, step forward left. (6.00)
Sec 2: Modified Figure 8
1-2-3Step right to right, left behind, turn ¼ right stepping forward right. (9.00)
4-5-6Step forward left, turn ½ right stepping on right, turn ¼ right stepping left to left. (6.00)
7-8Step right behind, turn ¼ left stepping forward left. (300)
Sec 3: Point hold, & point hold, & point touch, shuffle forward.
1-2Point right to right. Hold.
&3-4Step right next to left, point left to left. Hold.
&5-6Step left next to right, point right to right, touch right next to left.
7&8Step forward right, left together, step forward right. (3.00)
Sec 4: Step forward left, ½ turn right, full turn, rock recover, ball back, step.
1-2Step forward left, turn ½ right step forward right. (9.00)
3-4Turn ½ right, step back left, (3.00) turn ½ right step forward right. (9.00)
5-6Rock forward left, recover to right.
&7-8Step ball of left next to right, step back right, step left next to right. (9.00)
Restart: Wall 5 facing 12.00 dance first 8 counts and restart facing 6.00.
Tag: End of wall 12 facing 9.00 add 4 hips right, left right, left and start again.
Contact: heelanjohnl@gmail.com debbie.curran@ymail.com