No Tag and Restarts
Starts with the Right foot
S1: Cha Cha Box
123&4RF side, LF together, RF forward shuffle,
567&8LF side, RF together, LF back shuffle.
S2: Rock back, forward shuffle, pivot ¼ Right Turn, cross shuffle
123&4RF rock back, LF recover, RF forward shuffle,
567&8LF forward, pivot ¼ R-turn(3:00), LF cross shuffle
S3: Side, Together, Side, Touch, Rolling vine with touch.
1234RF side, LF together, RF side, LF touch beside RF,
5678LF forward make ¼ L-turn (12:00), RF back make ½ L-turn(6:00), LF side make ¼ L-turn (3:00), RF touch beside LF foot.
(easy option: Rolling vine can be changed to non-turn vine)
S4: Forward, pivot ¼ Left turn, cross shuffle, side rock, coaster step
123&4RF forward, pivot ¼ L-turn(12:00), RF cross shuffle ,
567&8LF side rock, RF recover, LF step back, RF close, LF forward.
Keep Active! Keep Dancing!
Starts with the Right foot
S1: Cha Cha Box
123&4RF side, LF together, RF forward shuffle,
567&8LF side, RF together, LF back shuffle.
S2: Rock back, forward shuffle, pivot ¼ Right Turn, cross shuffle
123&4RF rock back, LF recover, RF forward shuffle,
567&8LF forward, pivot ¼ R-turn(3:00), LF cross shuffle
S3: Side, Together, Side, Touch, Rolling vine with touch.
1234RF side, LF together, RF side, LF touch beside RF,
5678LF forward make ¼ L-turn (12:00), RF back make ½ L-turn(6:00), LF side make ¼ L-turn (3:00), RF touch beside LF foot.
(easy option: Rolling vine can be changed to non-turn vine)
S4: Forward, pivot ¼ Left turn, cross shuffle, side rock, coaster step
123&4RF forward, pivot ¼ L-turn(12:00), RF cross shuffle ,
567&8LF side rock, RF recover, LF step back, RF close, LF forward.
Keep Active! Keep Dancing!