Phrased Intermediate
Sequence: AA AA AA AA BB Tag AA AA
A (32 Count 4 Wall)
AI. Step Forward Diagonal ,Step Back With Swivel, Close.
1-2Step RF diagonal forward, touch LF beside RF.
3-4Step LF diagonal forward, touch RF beside LF.
5-6Step RF back (swivel L heel), step LF back (swivel R heel).
7-8Step RF back (swivel L heel), close LF next RF.
AII. Side Step, Touch(2x), Out Out, In In turn 1/4 R (03.00).
1-2Step RF to R, touch LF behind RF
3-4Step LF to L, touch RF behind LF.
5-6Step RF forward, step LF forward.
7-8Make 1/4 turn R stapping RF back, close LF next to RF.
AIII. Charleston Step, Jazz Box 1/4 R(06.00)
1-4Touch RF toe forward, step RF back, touch LF toe back, step LF forward.
5-8Cross RF over LF, step LF back, make turn 1/4 R stapping RF back (09.00), cross LF over RF.
AIV. Mambo Cross , Paddle 3/4.
1&2Rock RF to side, recover onto LF, cross RF over LF.
3&4Rock LF to side, recover onto RF, cross LF over RF.
5&6&Step RF forward, 1/4 turn L and recover onto LF, step RF forward, 1/4 turn L and recover onto LF
7&8Step RF forward , 1/4 turn L and recover onto LF, touch RF beside LF.
B (16 Count 2 Wall)
BI. Weave with Sweep
1-4Step RF forward, sweep LF back to front, cross LF over R, step RF to R.
5-8Cross LF behind R, sweep RF front to back, cross RF over L, step LF to L.
BII. Step Forward, Pivot 1/2 R, Pivot turn
1-4Step RF forward, hold, step LF forward, turn 1/2 R weight on R.
5-8Step LF forward, hold, Step RF forward full turn L weight on L (06.00)
BIII.1/4 turn L, Scissor Step, Grapevine,Pivot.
1-2&Make 1/4 turn L stepping RF to R, close LF next RF , cross RF over LF
3-4&Big step LF to L, close RF next LF, cross LF over RF.
5&6&Step RF to R, cross LF behind R, step RF to R, step LF forward.
7&8&Make 1/4 turn R stepping LF forward weight on R, Step L forward 1/2 turn R weight on R, step LF forward.
Tag 4 Counts at the end of Wall 2 for Section B.
1-4 Sway R-L-R-L
Contact: humasildipusat@gmail.com
A (32 Count 4 Wall)
AI. Step Forward Diagonal ,Step Back With Swivel, Close.
1-2Step RF diagonal forward, touch LF beside RF.
3-4Step LF diagonal forward, touch RF beside LF.
5-6Step RF back (swivel L heel), step LF back (swivel R heel).
7-8Step RF back (swivel L heel), close LF next RF.
AII. Side Step, Touch(2x), Out Out, In In turn 1/4 R (03.00).
1-2Step RF to R, touch LF behind RF
3-4Step LF to L, touch RF behind LF.
5-6Step RF forward, step LF forward.
7-8Make 1/4 turn R stapping RF back, close LF next to RF.
AIII. Charleston Step, Jazz Box 1/4 R(06.00)
1-4Touch RF toe forward, step RF back, touch LF toe back, step LF forward.
5-8Cross RF over LF, step LF back, make turn 1/4 R stapping RF back (09.00), cross LF over RF.
AIV. Mambo Cross , Paddle 3/4.
1&2Rock RF to side, recover onto LF, cross RF over LF.
3&4Rock LF to side, recover onto RF, cross LF over RF.
5&6&Step RF forward, 1/4 turn L and recover onto LF, step RF forward, 1/4 turn L and recover onto LF
7&8Step RF forward , 1/4 turn L and recover onto LF, touch RF beside LF.
B (16 Count 2 Wall)
BI. Weave with Sweep
1-4Step RF forward, sweep LF back to front, cross LF over R, step RF to R.
5-8Cross LF behind R, sweep RF front to back, cross RF over L, step LF to L.
BII. Step Forward, Pivot 1/2 R, Pivot turn
1-4Step RF forward, hold, step LF forward, turn 1/2 R weight on R.
5-8Step LF forward, hold, Step RF forward full turn L weight on L (06.00)
BIII.1/4 turn L, Scissor Step, Grapevine,Pivot.
1-2&Make 1/4 turn L stepping RF to R, close LF next RF , cross RF over LF
3-4&Big step LF to L, close RF next LF, cross LF over RF.
5&6&Step RF to R, cross LF behind R, step RF to R, step LF forward.
7&8&Make 1/4 turn R stepping LF forward weight on R, Step L forward 1/2 turn R weight on R, step LF forward.
Tag 4 Counts at the end of Wall 2 for Section B.
1-4 Sway R-L-R-L
Contact: humasildipusat@gmail.com