Easy Intermediate
COUNT: 32 WALLS: 4 RESTART: 1 LEVEL: Easy Intermediate
DANCE: Counter Clockwise: INTRO: 32 on vocals
Cross Point Left, Cross Point Right, Cross Rock Right Left Diagonal, Replace, 1/2 Turn Right Diagonal, Shuffle Forward RLR
1234Cross R over L, point L to side, Cross L over R, point R to the side
56Cross R over L on L diag corner, replace onto L
7&81/2 turn R, shuffle Fwd to R diag R L R (4.30)
Rock Forward Diagonal Replace, Back Left (&), Right Heel Diagonal, Step (&) Touch Behind
Back Left (&), Right Heel Diagonal, Step (&) touch behind, Shuffle Back LRL Diagonal
12Rock Fwd L on R Diag, Replace onto R
&3&4Step back L (&), R heel fwd, step down R (&), touch L toe behind R heel, (weight on R)
&5&6Step back L (&), R heel Fwd, step down R (&) touch L toe behind R heel, ( weight on R),
7&8Shuffle back on diag, LRL (4.30)
Back Right Left, Sailor Right Behind, Sailor Left behind, Behind Side Cross Right
12Step back R L ( straighten up to 3.00 0’clock wall ),
3&4Step R behind L, side L, replace onto R
5&6Step L behind R, side R replace onto L,
7&8Step R behind L, side L (&), cross R over L (3.00)
Rock Side Left, Replace, Behind Side Forward Left, Pivot 1/2 Left, Coaster back
12Rock side L, replace onto R
3&4Step L behind R, side R (&) step Fwd L
56Step Fwd R, pivot 1/2 turn L, ( weight on R )
7&Step back L, tog R (&), Fwd L (9,00)
RESTART: Wall 5; Dance to beat 16, ( shuffling back on R Diag L R L) straighten up to 3.00 0’clock wall
FINISH: Facing 6.00 0’clock, stepping Right Fwd, pivot 1/2 turn L step tog R
GLENDA SILVER: Footloose Linedancers Gunnedah;
EMAIL: glendaksilver@gmail.com - MOBILE; 0427927019
Last Update – 10 May 2020
DANCE: Counter Clockwise: INTRO: 32 on vocals
Cross Point Left, Cross Point Right, Cross Rock Right Left Diagonal, Replace, 1/2 Turn Right Diagonal, Shuffle Forward RLR
1234Cross R over L, point L to side, Cross L over R, point R to the side
56Cross R over L on L diag corner, replace onto L
7&81/2 turn R, shuffle Fwd to R diag R L R (4.30)
Rock Forward Diagonal Replace, Back Left (&), Right Heel Diagonal, Step (&) Touch Behind
Back Left (&), Right Heel Diagonal, Step (&) touch behind, Shuffle Back LRL Diagonal
12Rock Fwd L on R Diag, Replace onto R
&3&4Step back L (&), R heel fwd, step down R (&), touch L toe behind R heel, (weight on R)
&5&6Step back L (&), R heel Fwd, step down R (&) touch L toe behind R heel, ( weight on R),
7&8Shuffle back on diag, LRL (4.30)
Back Right Left, Sailor Right Behind, Sailor Left behind, Behind Side Cross Right
12Step back R L ( straighten up to 3.00 0’clock wall ),
3&4Step R behind L, side L, replace onto R
5&6Step L behind R, side R replace onto L,
7&8Step R behind L, side L (&), cross R over L (3.00)
Rock Side Left, Replace, Behind Side Forward Left, Pivot 1/2 Left, Coaster back
12Rock side L, replace onto R
3&4Step L behind R, side R (&) step Fwd L
56Step Fwd R, pivot 1/2 turn L, ( weight on R )
7&Step back L, tog R (&), Fwd L (9,00)
RESTART: Wall 5; Dance to beat 16, ( shuffling back on R Diag L R L) straighten up to 3.00 0’clock wall
FINISH: Facing 6.00 0’clock, stepping Right Fwd, pivot 1/2 turn L step tog R
GLENDA SILVER: Footloose Linedancers Gunnedah;
EMAIL: glendaksilver@gmail.com - MOBILE; 0427927019
Last Update – 10 May 2020