The dance begins with the vocals
Side & step-touch-side-touch-side-touch-side & back-hook-step-touch behind-back-kick
1&Step with RF to right side and LF beside RF
2&Step forward with RF and touch LF next to right
3&Step with LF to left side and touch RF next to left
4&Step with RF to right side and touch LF next to right
5&Step with LF to left side and RF beside LF
6&Step backwards with LF and cross RF in front of left shin
7&Step forward with RF and touch left toe behind RF
8&Step backwards with LF and kick RF forward
Shuffle back, coaster step, step-pivot ½ l-½ turn l, coaster step
1&2Step backwards with RF - LF beside RF and step backwards with RF
3&4Step backwards with LF - RF beside LF and step forward with LF
5&6Step forward with RF - ½ turn left on both bales, weight at the end left, and ½ turn left around and step backwards with RF
7&8Step backwards with LF - RF beside LF and step forward with LF
Restart: In the 4th and 8th lap - direction 3 o'clock/6 o'clock - stop here and start again
Locking shuffle forward, step-pivot ¼ r-cross, side-behind-side-cross, side, rock back
1&2Step forward with RF - cross LF behind RF and step forward with RF
3&4Step forward with LF - ¼ turn right on both bales, weight at end right, and cross LF over RF (3 o'clock)
5&Step with RF to right side and cross LF behind RF
6&Step with RF to right side and cross LF over RF
7-8&Step with RF to right side - step backwards with LF and weight back on RF
Rock forward-rock back-step-½ turn r/hitch-run 2-Mambo forward, coaster step-touch
1&Step forward with LF and weight back on the RF
2&Step backwards with LF and weight back on the RF
3&Step forward with LF, ½ turn right on the left bale and lift right knee slightly (9 o'clock)
4& 2Small steps forward (r - l)
5&6Step forward with RF, lift LF slightly up - weight back on LF and step backwards with RF
7&8Step backwards with LF, RF beside LF and small step forward with LF
&touch RF next to LF
Repeat until the end
And don't forget to smile, because dancing is fun!
There is no guarantee for errors in the translation, content, spelling, etc.!
Contact: birgit.golejewski@gmail.com www.country-linedancer.de
Side & step-touch-side-touch-side-touch-side & back-hook-step-touch behind-back-kick
1&Step with RF to right side and LF beside RF
2&Step forward with RF and touch LF next to right
3&Step with LF to left side and touch RF next to left
4&Step with RF to right side and touch LF next to right
5&Step with LF to left side and RF beside LF
6&Step backwards with LF and cross RF in front of left shin
7&Step forward with RF and touch left toe behind RF
8&Step backwards with LF and kick RF forward
Shuffle back, coaster step, step-pivot ½ l-½ turn l, coaster step
1&2Step backwards with RF - LF beside RF and step backwards with RF
3&4Step backwards with LF - RF beside LF and step forward with LF
5&6Step forward with RF - ½ turn left on both bales, weight at the end left, and ½ turn left around and step backwards with RF
7&8Step backwards with LF - RF beside LF and step forward with LF
Restart: In the 4th and 8th lap - direction 3 o'clock/6 o'clock - stop here and start again
Locking shuffle forward, step-pivot ¼ r-cross, side-behind-side-cross, side, rock back
1&2Step forward with RF - cross LF behind RF and step forward with RF
3&4Step forward with LF - ¼ turn right on both bales, weight at end right, and cross LF over RF (3 o'clock)
5&Step with RF to right side and cross LF behind RF
6&Step with RF to right side and cross LF over RF
7-8&Step with RF to right side - step backwards with LF and weight back on RF
Rock forward-rock back-step-½ turn r/hitch-run 2-Mambo forward, coaster step-touch
1&Step forward with LF and weight back on the RF
2&Step backwards with LF and weight back on the RF
3&Step forward with LF, ½ turn right on the left bale and lift right knee slightly (9 o'clock)
4& 2Small steps forward (r - l)
5&6Step forward with RF, lift LF slightly up - weight back on LF and step backwards with RF
7&8Step backwards with LF, RF beside LF and small step forward with LF
&touch RF next to LF
Repeat until the end
And don't forget to smile, because dancing is fun!
There is no guarantee for errors in the translation, content, spelling, etc.!
Contact: birgit.golejewski@gmail.com www.country-linedancer.de