Original Position: feet together weight on left foot
#12 Count Intro. Starts on Lyrics
[1-8] Cross R, Recover L, R side shuffle. Cross L, Recover R, L side shuffle
1, 2Cross R over L, Recover weight on L
3&4Step R to R side, Step L next to R, Step R to R side
5, 6Cross L over R, Recover weight on R
7&8Step L to L side, Step R next to L, Step L to L side
[9-16 ] R Rocking Chair. Jazz Box ¼ turning R
1,2Step R fwd, recover weight on L
3,4Step R back, recover weight on L
5,6Step R across in front L, ¼ turn R stepping L back
7,8Step R to the R side, step L fwd
[17-24] Kick Ball Step, Twist ¼ R Twist ¼ L. ½ turn L Shuffle back, Rock back Recover
1&2Kick R fwd, step R together, step L fwd
3, 4Twist ¼ turn R weight on the R, Twist ¼ L, Weight on the L
5&6½ turn L, shuffle back R-L-R
7, 8Step Back on L, recover weight on R
[25-32] Turning Shuffle ½ R, Turning Shuffle ½ R. Stomp L, sway sway sway
1&2½ turn R shuffle back L-R-L
3&4½ turn R shuffle fwd R-L-R
5, 6Stomp L, Sway hips L
7, 8Sway hips R, Sway hips L
TAG: 8 Count TAG: At the End of Walls 3, 6 & 7
1&2R Kick Ball Change
3&4R Kick Ball Change
5,6Dip, bend both knees taking weight on R
7,8Dip, bend both knees taking weight on L
Ending : After Wall 10 cross R over L, unwind ½ L to the front.
© helen_de_cut@yahoo.com.au
#12 Count Intro. Starts on Lyrics
[1-8] Cross R, Recover L, R side shuffle. Cross L, Recover R, L side shuffle
1, 2Cross R over L, Recover weight on L
3&4Step R to R side, Step L next to R, Step R to R side
5, 6Cross L over R, Recover weight on R
7&8Step L to L side, Step R next to L, Step L to L side
[9-16 ] R Rocking Chair. Jazz Box ¼ turning R
1,2Step R fwd, recover weight on L
3,4Step R back, recover weight on L
5,6Step R across in front L, ¼ turn R stepping L back
7,8Step R to the R side, step L fwd
[17-24] Kick Ball Step, Twist ¼ R Twist ¼ L. ½ turn L Shuffle back, Rock back Recover
1&2Kick R fwd, step R together, step L fwd
3, 4Twist ¼ turn R weight on the R, Twist ¼ L, Weight on the L
5&6½ turn L, shuffle back R-L-R
7, 8Step Back on L, recover weight on R
[25-32] Turning Shuffle ½ R, Turning Shuffle ½ R. Stomp L, sway sway sway
1&2½ turn R shuffle back L-R-L
3&4½ turn R shuffle fwd R-L-R
5, 6Stomp L, Sway hips L
7, 8Sway hips R, Sway hips L
TAG: 8 Count TAG: At the End of Walls 3, 6 & 7
1&2R Kick Ball Change
3&4R Kick Ball Change
5,6Dip, bend both knees taking weight on R
7,8Dip, bend both knees taking weight on L
Ending : After Wall 10 cross R over L, unwind ½ L to the front.
© helen_de_cut@yahoo.com.au