Section 1: Heel Switches R/L/R/R then L/R/L/L
1&2&3-4Touch R heel fwd, replace, Touch L heel fwd, replace, Touch R heel fwd, tap twice
&5&6&7-8&Replace R next to L, Touch L heel fwd, replace, Touch R heel fwd, replace, Touch L heel fwd, tap twice, replace L next to R
Section 2: Walk Fwd, Kick, Walk Back, Tap
1-4Walk fwd R, L, R , kick L foot
5-8Walk back, L, R, L, tap R next to L
Section 3: Step Side, Hip Roll, Toe Touch x 4 with Clicks
1-4Step R to side, rolling R hip, tap L toe (with knee hitched), Click R fingers, Step L to L side, rolling L hip, tap R toe (with knee hitched) Click L fingers
5-8Repeat 1-4
Section 4: Vine R, Vine L, ¼ turn, Scuff
1-4Step R to R side, step L behind, step R to R side, tap L next to R
5-8Step L to L side, step R behind, step L foot ¼ turn L, scuff R foot next to L
Repeat (No tags or re-starts)
You can add a clap at the end of the vine right for styling!
Choreographed to teach at “Fantastic Gymnastics” Northland.
Submitted by Sue Wellesley-Davies: suewd@xtra.co.nz
1&2&3-4Touch R heel fwd, replace, Touch L heel fwd, replace, Touch R heel fwd, tap twice
&5&6&7-8&Replace R next to L, Touch L heel fwd, replace, Touch R heel fwd, replace, Touch L heel fwd, tap twice, replace L next to R
Section 2: Walk Fwd, Kick, Walk Back, Tap
1-4Walk fwd R, L, R , kick L foot
5-8Walk back, L, R, L, tap R next to L
Section 3: Step Side, Hip Roll, Toe Touch x 4 with Clicks
1-4Step R to side, rolling R hip, tap L toe (with knee hitched), Click R fingers, Step L to L side, rolling L hip, tap R toe (with knee hitched) Click L fingers
5-8Repeat 1-4
Section 4: Vine R, Vine L, ¼ turn, Scuff
1-4Step R to R side, step L behind, step R to R side, tap L next to R
5-8Step L to L side, step R behind, step L foot ¼ turn L, scuff R foot next to L
Repeat (No tags or re-starts)
You can add a clap at the end of the vine right for styling!
Choreographed to teach at “Fantastic Gymnastics” Northland.
Submitted by Sue Wellesley-Davies: suewd@xtra.co.nz